Need Help with a TwinHan 1020a

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New Member
Original poster
Nov 21, 2005
Have PCI DVB Twinhan 1020a and have a 30 inch dish with a universal LNB. using Vision Plus and not able to view any channnels. Anybody with some configuration tips
thanks steve 336-847-1277
Hello and WELCOME to the SatellitGuys.US FTA forum!

If you are sure its a Universal LNBF make sure the L.O. is set to.......

Yes its a DMS International
Digital KU LNBF
Part No: DVB321-2
Input 11.7~12.75 Ghz LO: 9.75/10.6 Ghz
Output: 950-2150 Mhz NF: 0.6 db
Wain75 said:
Have PCI DVB Twinhan 1020a and have a 30 inch dish with a universal LNB. using Vision Plus and not able to view any channnels. Anybody with some configuration tips
thanks steve 336-847-1277

I do not use that program , so can not give any software tips , other than what have already been given .

What sat do you have the dish aimed at ?

Are you getting any signal quality ? Often you can get some signal strength , just about any direction you point a dish . That does not get you a picture .

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Well... I think I need help