Need help with 129

I think I will stick with my current equipment for now.
It will cost me too much to buy everything without an upgrade promotion.

It looks like I will miss some of my channels if I go to 61.5

The only other idea I have is to maybe mount on top of my roof and try for 129 up there.
I'm not sure if that will even work though. :(
Can you tell me where to find an accurate list?

I was trying to finish over the holiday weekend but since I was unable to I made an appointment with a dish tech to try for 129.

If I can verify the channels are the same on 61.5 vs 129 I will cancel the appointment and install the second dish myself.
Just scanned the thread.

It sounds like you were about 10 degrees too far east on your original post.

When you turned the dish further east you were about 20 degrees off.

Rotate your dish 8-9 degrees west of your original pointing and drop the elevation 2-3 degrees.

You were picking up 110 with the 119 lnb and 119 with the 129 lnb, then you were ppicking up 110 with the 129 lnb.
I thought it was off too because of some comments I read about another install with a different dish.
That's why I started moving it around.
However it seems that maybe it was aimed correctly to begin with.
The center 119 LNB is #1 on the test for this dish because of the way the dual lnb switch is wired.
Port 1 | Port 2 | Port 3
119 | 110| 129

I verified by covering the two outside lnbs with foil.
Center LNB (119) is Port 1. Port 2 is for 110 and port 3 is for 129.

Something to do with the built in switch instead of an external one.

Does this agree with what you are thinking?
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That list isn't accurate. 61.5 and 129 mirror each other except for a couple of RSNs.

That is the only list that I could find.

Where can I get an accurate list of the channels on 61.5 and 129?

I have an appointment with a dish tech for Friday that I need to cancel if I can verify the channels are the same on 61.5 vs 129.
I did it and it's working great!
I've got about 10 times better reception on 61.5 than I could ever get with 129.

Also, in the middle of all this I decided to order a cheap $12 signal meter off of ebay.
I must say that it in one of the best tools I have ever purchased.:up:):up
I was able to maximize my signal strength in just a couple of minutes where it used to take forever with the on-screen meter built into the receiver.

Now I am only worried about the comment someone made about 61.5 being replaced soon.
Anyone here know more about that?
The sat up there right now being used for spotbeams and other national hd is fairly new sat purchased from the defunct VOOM sat service. THe other sat at 61.5 sitting next to it may need to be replaced soon but I haven't really heard anything about that being a neccessity yet. It is all about the 129 sat needing to be replaced in November. Once that sat is replaced the western arc will be good to use for hd again.

Dishnetwork to Fios

Any Word On A New Receiver With eSATA?
