Hello I'm a newbie to fta. I got a DIRECTV WorldDirecT 36" Elliptical Dish set up propertly but can't get fta signal for 97 w. Also, I was informed that a 4 foot dish is needed to get fta in Alaska. I wonder if someon out there can help. below are my dish set up info.
Address: 99645
Latitude: 62.2178°
Longitude: -148.1978°
Satellite: 97.0W Galaxy 19
Elevation: 8.4°
Azimuth (true): 125.4°
Azimuth (magn.): 105.0°
Thanks alot for everyone who is helping out.
Address: 99645
Latitude: 62.2178°
Longitude: -148.1978°
Satellite: 97.0W Galaxy 19
Elevation: 8.4°
Azimuth (true): 125.4°
Azimuth (magn.): 105.0°
Thanks alot for everyone who is helping out.