I dont want to go into too many detials as I am working on a project ( legal ) to replicate an soon to be released product. I basically need to know what are the best DVB-s and DVB-s2 tuner cards with linux support. Yes Linux support is key.
I want to start out with DVB due to other components I have to buy and know they are generally cheap. If my idea works would like to see then support DVB-S2 for HD.
This is all spurred on by some disappointing news at CES and some specs on a new reciever/server shown at the show.
Any help would be greatly appericated
I want to start out with DVB due to other components I have to buy and know they are generally cheap. If my idea works would like to see then support DVB-S2 for HD.
This is all spurred on by some disappointing news at CES and some specs on a new reciever/server shown at the show.
Any help would be greatly appericated