well its been a million sundays since i have posted. maine has had nice weather so i finally went out and tried to install again(on a crate in the yard). i cant get the sg9120 motor to work properly start at 0 and i try say hipasat but the motor doesnt move unless i manually move it. then if i pick 97w it goes towards 30 west. i am aimed at my true south but if i set the dish at 6.8 and the motor at 44.5 then it basically has no angles at all. the motor only goes from 0 and moves back to zero each time i try to scan. i must be way off on something or many things. dishpointer says the trees can be 80 feet hight but i dont see how i can even get a signal with the dish perfectly vertical and the trees so high. please help you guys have always been great and i appreciate all the help in the past. this is my coordinates
Latitude: 44.5729°
Longitude: -68.7759°
Name: True South / True North
Distance: 37889km
Motor Latitude: 44.6°
Declination Angle: 6.8°
Dish Elevation: --°
Elevation: 38.6°
Azimuth (true): 180.0°
Azimuth (magn.): 196.9°
Latitude: 44.5729°
Longitude: -68.7759°
Name: True South / True North
Distance: 37889km
Motor Latitude: 44.6°
Declination Angle: 6.8°
Dish Elevation: --°
Elevation: 38.6°
Azimuth (true): 180.0°
Azimuth (magn.): 196.9°