Need Canadian source for bigger dish


Original poster
Feb 21, 2004
I take my Dish Network receivers north to Canada when I'm there in the summer. Since I'm on the fringe of reception, I need a bigger Dish 500 dish. Does anyone know of a source in Canada? It's a real hassle to have something shipped from the US -- duty, taxes, time, etc. I'd prefer a 30" dish, but would settle for 24".

Many thanks
I had a dish 500 outside of toronto for years and it pulled in 110 and 119 very strong and I have upgraded to a superdish and the signal is a bit better. You sound like you don't know what you are talking about unless you come up with a b.s story you are going to the yukon and then yes you would need a bigger dish, if you are coming to southernontario then you are more southern then the people in maryland! So when you come way way up here you better bring a c-band dish!
must you criticize the poster? He asked a question, and some of us are answering him with what we feel is a better option.

Some of us believe that "bigger is better".. I just upgraded my ExpressVu dish from a 20" to a 30". Did I need But I decided because it will help rain fade.
I if you are coming to southernontario then you are more southern then the people in maryland!

And that would be why your Dish500 works there....because parts of the US like MN and the UP of MI needs it to work there and they are more Northern than Toronto or Windsor

If he wants to use it, in say, Winnipeg, then he probably would need a bigger dish.
Alright iceberg I agree I do not bash people but look at his second sentence<on the fringe> like where does this guy think we live the north pole!C'om 110,119 and 61.5 you can see with a dish 500 at hudson's bay and into northern quebec, this guy is just ignorant when understanding canada.
Wow. People do get heated. I live in Nova Scotia in the summer, and find that a larger dish works much better. I was able to bring up one from Virginia with my "one time only allowed by the Canadian government" move, but I have another small cabin that I want to have sat coverage. With the standard 18inch dish the signal comes and goes. Bigger dish means better signal. Many thanks to the posters that actually answered my question and didn't question my knowledge of Canada.
No aimed correctly means better signal and I am curious about this one time item you are talking about with the canadian border. The other thing is that it's not that I don't want to help you but it's the wording and phrase's you use that is not correct and to a degree rude to people from the other side, get it!
JHark said:
Wow. People do get heated. I live in Nova Scotia in the summer, and find that a larger dish works much better. I was able to bring up one from Virginia with my "one time only allowed by the Canadian government" move, but I have another small cabin that I want to have sat coverage. With the standard 18inch dish the signal comes and goes. Bigger dish means better signal. Many thanks to the posters that actually answered my question and didn't question my knowledge of Canada.

I know in Nova Scotia, people with ExpressVu usually want a larger dish, so I can see why you would too :)

If aimed properly, it should work as long as you're in the footprint. But a larger dish would probably work better:)
No aimed correctly means better signal

very true. However, if you are on the fringe, even the best aim job might result in loss of signal. I just upgraded my ExpressVu dish from a 20" to a 30", due to every time we get a little rain, the 20" would go out. And, yes it is aimed correctly :)

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