Need assistance on package charges


SatelliteGuys Guru
Original poster
Dec 24, 2007
upWe have been a customer for a few years now and a little over a year ago we upgraded to HD service and eventually upgraded the DVR to the 722. We have had the AT250, which I believe is now known as Classic Gold 250. The charge is now $57.99 & $5 for locals. Also, after a few months of free HD the charge was $20/mo.

Looking at my online bill today I notice the HD charges are such:
Gold HD $10
Platunum HD $10

So, the bottom line is: am I getting the best deal available. The reason why I ask is because I am not working and sometimes if you don't ask they won't inform you of a better deal out there.

Thanx in advance!
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There's no better deals, but you could lop off some programming, like Platinum HD which isn't worth $120.00 a year, IMHO. BTW, locals are $5.00.

Any Word yet on EHD for 222's?

NFL Ticket and DISH
