Need assist finding bird and please


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 4, 2006
Set up a 625 system with a Dish 500 and a Dish Pro Plus Twin LNB with one coax to the 625 and getting signals of >80 on both 119 and 110.

Wanting to add 61.5 for SkyAngel viewing.

Adding this second dish is a slightly new skill, as I only set up Dish 500s for 119 and 110 on a daily basis, and occasionally a Dish 500+ or Dish 1000 (all only need to aim toward 119).

Seperate mount / mast and dish is mounted with a Dish 500 and Y-bracket; settings for 61.5 in 48866 zip code are AZ 153 and EL 35 and using a single LNB with two ports (P/N 214-5100-402).

I set the second dish scew at 90, since there is no listed scew for 61.5.

Coax lead from the second dish is routed to the additional single side port on the DPP Twin.

However, I am unable to pick up ANY signal in the direction of AZ 153 (No additional birds after running check switch on the 625, just the 119 and 110 appear), and my DigiSat III meter is unable to acquire a signal in the 153 direction.

My meter is good (used daily), and I know that the second LNB is good, because my meter picks up a signal with it farther to the south; but in the 153 direction, there is no meter peaking.

Is it because the second dish is a dish 500? Does the second dish have to be an older Dish 300 without a Y-bracket?

Should I be using a different LNB or dish, or LNB and dish combo?

Is it something simple, or am I doing something completely wrong?

Any expertise and experience with this setup and problem troubleshooting is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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what sat are you picking up further to south?

is the 2nd lnb a Dish Pro lnb?

The dish 500 is fine for 61.5 and you can use the y-bracket, but a single lnb mount looks cleaner.

Maybe because you are using the y-bracket the azimuth needs to be slightly adjusted
It's simple, and more so than the Dish 500 for both 119 and 110.

(1) The single LNBF with two ports.
Hopefully, you are using 1 DP Dual LNBF, which will give you the DishPro signal and will work with the DPP Twin. A legacy Single/Dual LNBF will not work.

(2) You are using the Dish 500 with a Y-Bracket with only 1 LNBF on it.
This will work, the DP LNBF can either be a Single Port or Dual Port.
You can put it on either the 119 or the 110, however you need to adjust your Azimuth by 4.5 degrees.
- Using 119 -- Subtract 4.5 degrees for 148.5
- Using 110 -- Add 4.5 degrees for 157.5
- I-Bracket --- Use 153.0

(3) You set the Skew to 90. Setting the Skew to 90 equals 0 degrees which is correct.

(4) Once you have the above done, bypass the DPP Twin LNBF and directly connect the DP Dual (or single) to the receiver. Find the 61.5 satellite (<10 min), peak Azimuth and Elevation and lock it down. Then connect the DP Dual LNBF to the DPP Twin LNBF, and run a Check Switch.
Sorry Cokeswigga, I didn't see your post; guess I should have refreshed the browser to pick up the latest post.
My meter is good (used daily), and I know that the second LNB is good, because my meter picks up a signal with it farther to the south; but in the 153 direction, there is no meter peaking.
By "farther south" I guess he means "not as far to the south-east" which would imply he is using the 110 slot and finding 61.5 with an Azimuth 157.5.

Maybe :D
I did a MSN search on "P/N 214-5100-402" and did not come up with anything, then I did a search on "214-5100-402" and got one hit.
It looks like the LNBF you are trying to use on the wing dish is a "Legacy Dual LNBF".

Legacy LNBF's will not work with the DPP Twin LNBF.

However, you could by-pass the DPP Twin, and hook up the Legacy Dual directly to the receiver and receive that one satellite location. This will allow you to mount the dish and peak it. Then later when you get a DP Dual LNBF, you can swap it out and then connect it to the DPP Twin for a 3 satellite position system.

NOTE: If you try this, you will probably have to do a check switch to clear the first readings, and maybe a second time for it to recognize that you changed LNBF's.

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