My brother is looking for an antenna, presently looking at a Antennasdirect clear stream 4V antenna, because he can walk into BestBuy and pick it up for $150. He is not technical. Present antenna is a combination antenna that had been used in a prior situation, beat to pieces by wind and has lost some previous reception. He desires to point it North to Pittsburgh, pick up one local UHF, and stations to the south. Local station is East of direction to Pittsburgh. Line of sight is decent, on top of a hill in Northern WV. The wind is destructive, especially on larger antennas. He asked about a preamp and I told him it could over ride the local station and to wait and see. His reception is a lot better than mine.
Channels received:
2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 22, 40,53
A. The concerns are will it reach the stations with the terrain regardless whether it is UHF or VHF?
B. Will it hold up to wind and elements?
C. Will it work without a rotor?
D. I am not seeing a good mileage on the reach of this antenna.
E. Other thoughts?
Thanks for your support.
Channels received:
2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 22, 40,53
A. The concerns are will it reach the stations with the terrain regardless whether it is UHF or VHF?
B. Will it hold up to wind and elements?
C. Will it work without a rotor?
D. I am not seeing a good mileage on the reach of this antenna.
E. Other thoughts?
Thanks for your support.