Need Advice on DirecTV's HD Package and Receivers!

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HD Kurt

Original poster
Feb 22, 2004
Should I switch to DIRECTV HD Package?
I am a current but unhappy Dish Network subscriber since Dec 2003. I purchased 2 of the Dish 811 HD Receivers and they have had nothing but software problems since i have had them. I was previously a faithful DirecTV subscriber for three years but had to make the switch because Dish finally offered the Evansville, IN locals over the satellite. How does everyone like the DirecTV HD Package and what receivers do you recommend. I'd prefer the Hughes HD receiver since i was most familiar with that company. I'm debating switching back to DirecTV but they don't have our locals yet. The website says sometime in 2004. Are there any known problems with DirecTV HD services and or receivers? Thanks for any info!

2 Dish Network 811 HD Receiver Setup with Sony 36XBR800 Direct View HD TV and Panasonic 32" HD LCD Flat Panel
Forget Direct and go with Voom. Direct's HD package is the same as Dish's, right?

I think I will eventually use VOOM for all my HD needs and keep a minimum package for the other Direct receivers that I have.
Hughes E-86 will be the cheapest but their HTL-HD is nicer. You should have a 1yr. contract with DISH it will cost you some money to break it, but I am sure you will be happier with DirecTV again, they might even give you a deal to come back from DISH.
boba said:
Hughes E-86 will be the cheapest but their HTL-HD is nicer. You should have a 1yr. contract with DISH it will cost you some money to break it, but I am sure you will be happier with DirecTV again, they might even give you a deal to come back from DISH.

The E86 has caller ID and a RF remote, which the HTL-HD don't, while the HTL-HD has DVI and some other things. so you need to see what's important to you.
Is the E86 the model that is either a charcoal or black color receiver. I haven't seen the HTL receiver but I did get a brochure the other day that shows a silver receiver with a silver remote and has a digital channel readout on the receivers front side. Is that the HTL or is this some brand new HD receiver?
HD Kurt said:
Is the E86 the model that is either a charcoal or black color receiver. I haven't seen the HTL receiver but I did get a brochure the other day that shows a silver receiver with a silver remote and has a digital channel readout on the receivers front side. Is that the HTL or is this some brand new HD receiver?

My E86 is black with no digital channel readout.
I would try Directv the hughes htl hd i hear good things about ,in the past year i gave voom , comcast and dish a chance, none were as clear in my area. i hear issues about pq on all systems and i for aure can say voom pq was nice when it was working. way too many issues for me. dish was ok , slow changing pq was just ok too poor on sd as for hd they were all high on pq- as for voom i ran away from them, lousy customer service slow response (at least in s jersey area) 17 days for a tech to come and repair a faulty box, well it did work for 15 hours LOL but get this only 9 days to pick the boxes up ???? it was the same technician that installed <<<does that make sense.
i am staying with directv at least for another year, we shall see who is better next year
i had the hughes hd reciever and it was nothing but buggy probley the box itself and 6 days after getting one it fried .within a week d* sent me a new hd reciever the samgsung model and i love it . on ota it pulls down more channels plus it has caller id so for me id recconed the samgsung model .
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