This is how I normally do it for my pre-wire jobs:
- for the "main" TV locations, at least 3, if not 4 coax runs; at least 1 CAT5/6; 1 phone run (or another CAT5/6 run)
The 4 coax runs are/can be used for: sat feed, antenna/cable feed, modulator backfeed, plus a spare coax
- for secondary TV locs, at least 2 coax runs; 1 CAT5/6-phone runs
This would be in locs where you would NOT have an actual satellite set-top box (think kitchens, bathrooms, etc.)
- in an office, same runs as main TV locs, but run at least 2 CAT5/6 runs + a phone run
AGAIN, as already mentioned - MUCH cheaper to do now than later; takes the SAME amount of labor to pull 6 wires per loc, as it does 2. And wiring is NOT that expensive, so do it all NOW!