Swapping out minor characters or killing off major characters is not character development. I actually quit this show twice, once after Kate died, came back for several years then quit again because nothing had changed.
No confusion here.
But I have no interest in arguing or running down the show. Enjoy.
3/5/19 episode "RITZ" looked familiar. She has appeared on all three NCIS shows. 2012 she was on NCIS LA as Astrid, 2015 she was Alison Hewitt on NCIS NOLA. 2018 NCIS Melanie Keller/RITZ.
One by one they all are leaving. Who's next Tim McGhee or Jethrow Gibbs?
Neither needs to worry about their jobs, McGhee is family and Gibbs has an interest in NCIS New Orleans so their jobs should be secure

David McCallum left last year (2018) it just took months for the writers to catch up to his character actually being written off.
Swapping out minor characters or killing off major characters is not character development. I actually quit this show twice, once after Kate died, came back for several years then quit again because nothing had changed.
No confusion here.
But I have no interest in arguing or running down the show. Enjoy.
This show is not good anymore got to be a drag.
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Wow, Scott Williams Winters is a good guy! Who woulda thunk it! This show just got interesting again.
I read today on my google news app that the two most non favorite characters on NCIS were one I expected and one I didn't. They picked Bishop of course as a character who is not very interesting with a boring back story and they said most viewers have not warmed to her and the other was the psychologist Jack . I don't really care about Jack that much either but she doesn't make me wish her dead with every episode I see her in. Now Bishop on the other hand.....:laser
The two I don't like are Nick and Kacie.
Yeah Fez from That 70's show has never been that believable as a real agent. Kacie is just a nerdy replacement for Abby the over 50 Goth girl. It might be time to retire this show since they have got rid of most of the characters that people liked. Once Gibbs is gone the show will be over.
I like Jack Sloan ... much better than Bishop ... although this year, they are writing better for Bishop.

Kacie I can take or leave, doesn't really do much for me ... she has really big shoes to fill though.
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