My God 48??? I've said all along that being into Goth like her character was , for all these years, didn't make sense to me . She never seemed to change or grow up.
That's part of the issue I think, Abby never wanted to grow older with the show like the rest did, I think it's backfiring on her now.
Thatbsaid, there have been periods where she's been more "normal, less goth".
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Be nice if in her final episode she removes a wig to show her natural hair color.
You've never seen her on any talk shows, as a blond ?
Blond is her natural color, she dyes it for the show.
I know that, that was the point of my comment and the picture showing her with her natural blond hair.

Hugh and the outfit were part of the picture because, well just because. :D
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Cool. Someone for Gibbs to fight with. Interested in more of her backstory and those scars. Overall I really enjoyed the episode.

Scars plus boxing equals Vance as the back story. I'm not really interested in back story, I expect it will be a couple weeks before they realize she isn't Ducky and we get another plot line introduced.