The only character that I wanted to get a bullet to the head ,still lives on???? WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Was this the final episode? It was only supposed to be the final for Tony but they ended several characters.
Purnell is paralyzed, Ziva is dead. Cort is definitely full of lead, Tony is a single parent. And Bishop lives on.
I think I'll call this a lousy episode it left a bad taste instead of wanting for next falls continuing story.
The flashbacks of Ziva showed how pathetic Bishop is.Maybe they will change the show to NCIS: BISHOP next year , since she lingers on.![]()
AGREE WITH YOU even McGee's character seems depressed.IF the show doesn't take it back up a few notches , it may just continue to circle the bottom till eventual cancellation. Gibbs is getting a little long in the tooth and his crew is getting up in age also. If the new recruit that comes in to replace Tony isn't someone spectacular , this will just bring the show further down. It has had a glum mood to the show most of the season and I miss the flirty banter they used to have with Tony , Kate and then Ziva and thank merciful GOD, never with Bishop. That gave the show a fun side to balance out the Gloominess that is BISHOP. We can always hope that they reboot the cast entirely next season and say Bishop transferred to another department or job somewhere else and bring in new "probees" to replace both of them next season. McGee would be the seasoned Nerd that could train the new "probees." Imagine Gibbs would be slapping some heads next season , so much so, it might turn into the Three Stooges.![]()
I think I'll call this a lousy episode it left a bad taste instead of wanting for next falls continuing story.
Ending gets no better than a C. The soap operish "she was pregnant when you split up" is unrealistic. And it did not explain why the character left. So a guy finds out he has a kid. And his ex-girlfriend who he has not seen in 4 or so years is dead. And? So a 40 something guy just quits a federal civil service job to be a single dad? Really? What is he going to do, apply for food stamps?
In the longest run, the show is just geting old and repetitive. Not that they cannot drag it out for as long as MH wants to work, but they really need at least one solid new character, if not two.
Simple enough, just transfer to a safer division within NCIS or the gov't itself.Agree with what you are saying. The first thing I asked was how was Tony going to make a living after he quits his job to support himself, daughter and his dad.
Supposedly it is based loosely on Dr. Phil's life. So I don't know how good a show this will be.But he is going to be DR. BULL and we are supposed to forget his last show and make his new series an instant success.
That, or wait several years before starting a new show.It's supposed to be based on his earlier career as a trial consultant. I think the problem Weatherly is going to have is the shadow of Tony following him around. Be very difficult, if not impossible, to see him in a new role and not visualize Dinozzo. As many have done before him on other shows, he waited too long to leave. Either move on early or ride it to the end, which is what I thought he should have done.
Nah,just clearing out some old baggage and hopefully getting some new ideas and or writers.Was this the episode where we say NCIS Jumped the Shark?