NCIS Is Adding A New Team Member, Get The Details
The character Tess will be an FBI Special Agent in her late 30s who has recently transferred to Washington D.C. from New York City's Counter-Terrorism Unit. She's described as a woman who is two parts bulldog and one part kitten. She'll be quick-witted, sarcastic, and shrewd to boot. The combination of traits will make her savvy enough to keep up with politicians at a black-tie FUNDRAISER as well as truck drivers at a roadside diner. Sleep and sex are overrated to Tess, whereas a good martini and bacon cheeseburger certainly are not.As if those DETAILS aren't enough, Tess has already had her history mapped out. She is a three-time divorcee of husbands who could not keep up with her lifestyle, according to TVLine. With no children of her own, Tess is content acting as a sort of den mother to any coworker who needs a shoulder to lean on. Still, making her angry never ends well for anybody, even her superiors.Tess will be introduced in time for the Season 13 finale to set up her character arc for Season 14. The show is looking for a "name" actress to tackle the role. Considering how many details have already been set up for her, we can probably count on Tess being a major character in the future of NCIS .