NBC-HD: XXVIII Summer Olympics : Soccer, Track and Field, Basketball, & Diving 8/29

I don't think I'll watch this until 12, anyone wanna wager with me on who will win the diving :D
I Have D* & V*. I Get 84 For The Olympics On D* But On 321 On V* Nothing. V* Emailed Me & A Letter That Said You Can Get The Olympics On Your Local NBCDT But Not On 321 Or The 900's.
I cannot get the SD programming (which only really interested me yesterday) but I am getting 321, and it looks superior to OTA NBC by about 15%. Unfortunately I have a morning shower happening and now I have 0 signal power, good news is that this weekend they are coming in with an upgraded OTA (gee whiz finally) and a 24" dish.

The thing is the CSR at Voom on Friday and yesterday said I qualify for both the 321-HD and KVIT feeds. However I am not getting the SD channel and the CSR didn't know what to do.

Compared to Dish though, the PQ on standard and HD is horrendous. Watched them last night on a 40" TV, and I was getting macroblocking and pixelation on CNBC, NBC SD and HD, and the Marlins game (local channel PAX beamed in through the Sat.) which is pretty bad on a 40" I should see little to no problems, damn.

It seems though that swim team USA is placing in silver, soccer women's team USA vs Brazil was one of the best soccer games I have seen in a long time. Team USA gymnastics mens I think was showing flashes of brilliance, I didn't really watch them in SD was hoping to see most of it today. I hope that the little intro NBC gave to their NBC-HD feed is accurate and that the next major world sporting events and the Olympics in 2008 have major HD coverage. I also don't understand the logic of the 1 day delay, if they didn't have it, there would be zero need to even check the NBC-SD channel.
I have never seen such a mishandlilng of programming as NBC is doing with the olympics. WHy in the hell would you alter the normal routine of mirroring the standard programming format, and instead show these ridiculous repeats all day. Not only that, you have to look at the same handful of commericals, and money shots of Greece over and over. You s@#k NBC. Yeah thats right NBC I said F%$K Y$$. A!@ H^&les.
During diving I am seeing macroblockings just before they hit the water on OTA and the same on 321. The inside competitions (like) diving looks like it lacks lighting.
I suspect that NBC is compressing their broadcast at the source, before they retransmit it to the U.S. or worldwide. It looked even worse to me on E*.
You know what's funny. VOOM's 321 feed is not macroblocking as much as the NBC OTA feed. During the gymnastics men competition there was macroblocking all over the place in OTA NBC. NBC great job! (being sarcastic).

Please tell me THIS PQ is not what the world will be watching at the end of the decade?!?!
If I had to listen yet again how Paul Hamm won the gold, I going to shot myself. This has to be the greatest story ever told by NBC **being sarcastic** (nothing against Paul Hamm but more directed to NBC)
Sean Mota said:
If I had to listen yet again how Paul Hamm won the gold, I going to shot myself. This has to be the greatest story ever told by NBC **being sarcastic** (nothing against Paul Hamm but more directed to NBC)

Re: Paul Hamm winning the Gold - It would seem to me that everybody who didn't fall on their ass, off the mat, and into the judges' table shoulda finished ahead of this guy - but obviously I know nothing about gymnastics! :D :usa
Track and field today... Why is it that these NBC announcers are so biased? Can't they give some credit to the other countries when they win. It seems like they spend more attention on the USA Athletes whether they won or not instead of focusing on who actually won the race. This is so evident in track and field. The USA ended in 6th place and they ended up talking more about him than the guy from Spain who won the first round. Gee talk about bias... They are worse than the Yankees Announcers.
I have not been following the Olympics very closely but there was a controversy about Paul Hamm gold medal win over the Koreans. Three judges were disquilified as it was found that the scoring was suspecious. Should Paul Hamm take the high road?
I seriously hate how NBC has handled the Olympics, they have so much "dead space" between these events I can only seem to catch diving or the races on HD. I want to see some of the other track and field events like javelin throw, discus, hammer throw, hurdles, long, triple, and high jumps and I always miss these because there is not exact time displayed on the broadcast. Instead of so many Greece flybys a screen that says Javelin Throw - in 25 minutes, Triple Jump - in 56 minutes, etc.. would be so much more useful.
The Chinese have won 25 Gold Medals (same amount as US). Has anyone seeing an NBC coverage where a chinese won a Gold Medal?
Yeah I saw several in the diving competitions where the Chinese have won medals, also on Bravo/CNBC I saw Japan/Chinese win table tennis and judo medals.
Sean Mota said:
I have not been following the Olympics very closely but there was a controversy about Paul Hamm gold medal win over the Koreans. Three judges were disquilified as it was found that the scoring was suspecious. Should Paul Hamm take the high road?
If by taking the high road, you mean give the gold medal back -- I say, "absolutely not!". You can't just change a part of a competition and assume everything else would've went the same way. Who knows how the Korean would have performed had he been in the lead instead of trailing? Perhaps he changes his strategy and screws something up while trying to protect his lead -- who knows? Maybe Paul Hamm does even better if he knows he has to. Maybe - just maybe- in a "sport" as subjective as gymnastics it had already been pretty much decided who was going to win and nothing in the world could've changed the outcome of this. The point is, we just don't know that the Korean would've won had he been given that original start value of 10.0.

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