Don't get me wrong,I would prefer the Spurs to win it,always been a Duncan fan,back to his days at Wake Forest,that said,I think the Pacers woke a sleeping pit bull.The Heat in 5,is my prediction.

Don't get me wrong,I would prefer the Spurs to win it,always been a Duncan fan,back to his days at Wake Forest,that said,I think the Pacers woke a sleeping pit bull.The Heat in 5,is my prediction.
That is funny. That hat is wayyyy to big for his head.
Heat in 6. Spurs not Pacers in some ways- aren't as big and physical aside from Duncan and Splitter, not as voracious rebounding, and their 3-point defense is not quite Indiana's caliber (Pacers were #1- Spurs #12). I mean, San Antonio did have some rough stretches defending the 3 against Golden State, which will free up Allen/Chalmbers and the rest of their downtown bombers.
Heat in 6. Spurs not Pacers in some ways- aren't as big and physical aside from Duncan and Splitter, not as voracious rebounding, and their 3-point defense is not quite Indiana's caliber (Pacers were #1- Spurs #12). I mean, San Antonio did have some rough stretches defending the 3 against Golden State, which will free up Allen/Chalmbers and the rest of their downtown bombers.
Spurs will be flat tonight,Heat win a not so close one.
Spurs will be flat tonight,Heat win a not so close one.
Spurs will be flat tonight,Heat win a not so close one.
game 2 must win for heat
can't wait