Do the Direct Tv HD Receivers have Native Resolution Pass Through??
the hr20-700 does
Explain what the native resolution does. I do not remember if I have mine turned on or not.
Do the Direct Tv HD Receivers have Native Resolution Pass Through??
You can force your HD Receiver to put out 480i, 480p, 720p, or 1080i, no matter what the signal is coming in.
For example:
Espn broadcasts in 720p, but if you have your receiver set to 1080i, and it will out put to your T.V. at 1080i. (Just because it is upconverting, does not mean it is a better picture).
Native resolution takes the signal at what it comes in at and sends it to your T.V. at that same resolution.
one little gotcha there.... if you want it to pass all resolutions, 480i 480p 720p and 1080i,,,, and your tv is capable of decoding those resolutions you need to enable those resolutions under the tv resolutions tab,,,, at least that is how to do it on the hr20-700
So if the Native is "ON" then the D* box does the work and if it is "OFF" your TV does the conversions.
I personally like it "OFF" so that my TV gets the signal the way it's sent out from the network (station) so I can watch the show the way it was intended to be seen.