Can anyone tell me if you can use this card with a voom receiver. My thinking is I should be able to hook up the feed from the voom receiver box (which i imagine un-encrypts the signal) to the myhd card. I would then control the channels via the voom box. The voom box has a channel (3 or 4) selector where the signal would come in by.
Any information or experience anyone has had with this I would appreciate.
Sounds like you're going to use an HD capable tuner card and feed it a composite signal? What's the point? There are cheaper options than the MyHD card to do that...
You could feed it the S-video output for better signal quality, but the MyHD card isn't really made for that type of thing since whatever it records (that is not digital OTA) can't be played back through the card itself...
For more info on the card, check out the AVS forum...