I switched from E* 3 months ago and I agree with just about everything said in this thread. Overall, I feel I made the right choice. Having said that, there are 3 negatives with D* that I didn't have with E*.
1. Agonizingly slow response many times with remote to HR24. Sometimes it seems like it has frozen up for several seconds.
2. Lack of sensitivity from remote to HR24. Often skips a number in a 3 number channel. When I try to hold down the channel button for an extra second to make sure it takes, the number sometimes is duplicated. New batteries didn't help.
3. I have had more rain fade in 3 months than I had in 8 years with E.
As I mentioned above, I am still glad I made the switch. However, I would be even happier if the above 3 issues would disappear...