First I want to ask Sean or other moderators; Is Voom using statistical multiplexing with these encoders? It sure doesn't seem like they are.
First thing I noticed: In the Surf Bar or EPG there is ringing of some sort in the lettering, I never noticed that before. It looks like text on an SD channel. SD lettering never looks clean and this is how the surf bar looks.
I started out trying to assess each channel individually but came to the conclusion that they are identical with the variable being the material that is being shown at the moment.
The big thing is that there are NO MORE SKEETERS
Hallelujah Voom!!
As long as there is slow movement or a static image, the picture is fantastic, I am very happy with it, but as soon as a scene changes or there is quick movement, softening or pixelation occurs. World Sport was downright horrible trying to watch soccer or promos for sports.
Equator is noise free and the noise I used to spot in the microphone mesh on Rave is gone. The wires inside a piano used to have noise and now they don't. It's the fine detail like this that used to drive me up a wall and now it's the pixelation. I hope they can fine tune them to take care of this. I noticed that channel 700 remains cleaner with movement than the other HD channels do.
SD: What can I say? They all suck. There used to be some good looking SD channels like TCM, AMC, IFC, WE, Oxygen, Soap and a few others. I only browsed them very quickly and every single channel looked bad or worse to me than they had previously. Soap used to look almost HD, now it looks horrible. Every single channel pixelated with any movement.
If this is the future of Voom, forget it, it's not worth keeping. I hope they are still tweaking because if they just pile more channels on top of what they have, they are just going to have a pile of mush.
So get on it, Voom and keep tweaking. Anty up some bandwidth and concentrate on quality before quantity, after all that's what you advertise so live up to it and I will be a happy camper.
I will continue to monitor HD & SD and look for improvements.
BTW, I played hookie this afternoon so I could do this.
Happy Vooming, ya'll. 
First thing I noticed: In the Surf Bar or EPG there is ringing of some sort in the lettering, I never noticed that before. It looks like text on an SD channel. SD lettering never looks clean and this is how the surf bar looks.
I started out trying to assess each channel individually but came to the conclusion that they are identical with the variable being the material that is being shown at the moment.
The big thing is that there are NO MORE SKEETERS

As long as there is slow movement or a static image, the picture is fantastic, I am very happy with it, but as soon as a scene changes or there is quick movement, softening or pixelation occurs. World Sport was downright horrible trying to watch soccer or promos for sports.
Equator is noise free and the noise I used to spot in the microphone mesh on Rave is gone. The wires inside a piano used to have noise and now they don't. It's the fine detail like this that used to drive me up a wall and now it's the pixelation. I hope they can fine tune them to take care of this. I noticed that channel 700 remains cleaner with movement than the other HD channels do.
SD: What can I say? They all suck. There used to be some good looking SD channels like TCM, AMC, IFC, WE, Oxygen, Soap and a few others. I only browsed them very quickly and every single channel looked bad or worse to me than they had previously. Soap used to look almost HD, now it looks horrible. Every single channel pixelated with any movement.
If this is the future of Voom, forget it, it's not worth keeping. I hope they are still tweaking because if they just pile more channels on top of what they have, they are just going to have a pile of mush.

So get on it, Voom and keep tweaking. Anty up some bandwidth and concentrate on quality before quantity, after all that's what you advertise so live up to it and I will be a happy camper.

I will continue to monitor HD & SD and look for improvements.
BTW, I played hookie this afternoon so I could do this.