My other hobbies.

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Well I loved radio/Tv Dx'ing as a kid long ago. I collected old tubes, radios and phonos way back too, but I kinda got away from it. I took communication arts in high school in the mid 1970's and did some dj stuff on and off. I still have 750 albums in the garage! I helped a cousin install Cband back in the mid 80's. He paid me $100 on saturday's to dig the trench to lay the coax in. Wow eventually I got to dig the hole for the post lol. I stumbled across FTA while googling something last year and been loving it ever since. I've always enjoyed electronic stuff. As some of us get older it's hard to keep up with stuff though. Blind
My other hobbies must include in random order:

Ham Radio 50 plus years Have the same call as I started with, minus the N for novice.
Bible Study
Beautiful woman with 34 years with her!
Christian Television - hence FTA
Travel --- hence the RV
I used to build a lot of electronic equipment
Grandkids and a great-grandson! If I had known grandkids were so much fun, I might have had more kids --- but only 5 of the 7 kids have given us grandkids!
Most of my hobby is either computer (Linux and Windows), or electronics/mechanical tinkering.

Geography (Got all As in that, an A+ once or twice. I have a GPS logger, and use that to log my travels on Google Earth. I extensively use Google Earth, and tour cities and such with Streetview.

I also like following rail and power infrastructure on GoogleEarth.

I DX TV with antenna. FM, a little bit in the truck.

Not so much hobbies, but interests are 70s and 80s harder rock (British a good part of it), 60s and 70s sci-fi, 60s and 70s TV, mostly variety shows, and mid-century architecture and design.
For me its my aquarium, fishing, boating, woodworking, hiking, camping and general electronic tinkering ..... sigh never enough time for all of them now that I'm married and have a child on the way.

For me FTA was a way to tinker with electronics plus see stuff not on traditional TV
I've been a ham radio operator since 1989 and gave exams for years. I'm still qualified as a contact volunteer coordinator, but haven't been active at giving exams for a while -- health reasons.

I work at a pharmaceutical plant as an instrumentation technician and do some processor programming, though will be retiring in about a month. Some of my coworkers mentioned the FTA and I did some "research" on the internet (found this great forum in my researches!!). I mostly got into FTA to give my wife something to watch in the middle of the night when her pains would prevent her from sleeping. It's been a nice hobby and something else to occupy the mind.

Thanks to all for the informative, well-conducted forum.

I enjoy so many "hobbies" it may be hard to remember them all to write them but here goes...
-FTA (obviously)
-carpentry and home improvement
-small engines
-larger engines (fixing up an old tractor currently)
- general tinkering in the shop, I'll tackle just about anything that's broken
-car audio
-home audio and theater but more the audio part
-radio dxing is something I have not done in years but used to enjoy immensely
-landscaping/clearing land
-solar heating (just building an experimental collector, about 50% done)
-music music music! I have a collection of probably 500-600 CDs as well as a couple hundred -LPs and a couple really big stacks of 45s recently given to me
-playing acoustic guitar
-I install remote car starters and any other vehicle accessories for spare $$, two years ago I wired a '55 Chevy 2 door hard top including remote shaved door kit, hidden motorized gas door (behind a tail light), remote power windows and trunk, digital dash, heating/cooling controls etc. etc. etc. The owner got started but when it came time to add all the bells and whistles I got called in. That was a fun project.
- our animals, 2 dogs, 2 horses, 2 barn cats and occasionally 1 rabbit.........she comes and goes as she pleases

That's pretty much it for now. If there is any spare time I watch a bit of TV.
Hi All.
2Nd Hobbie is Ham Radio since 1975 Call sing VE2 FCZ from Quebec Canada.
Just Had an invitation to go to Haiti to help with communications, but i don't
have all the equipement needed for that.
Got to bring your antennas, transmitters, etc.
To bad i c'ant help, because they need it very much.
Hi there,
I have a few hobbies besides FTA:

VoIP: Voice over IP. I have my own Linux VoIP server running and make all my long distance calls that way. Recently set up a remote extention for relatives in Mexico to call from and to there for free.

Linux: Besides the server above, I run Ubuntu (Linux) as my main operating system.

Programming: Currently do some programming in SQL and trying to get into JAVA.

Electronics: I used to fix car cassette players when in Junior High. Still fix my own electronics.

Mechanics: I fix my own vehicles.

Church: Organize Spanish church services in our area, and help with Bible studies.

I can't remember how I found out about FTA, but I was about to sign up with StairChoice, when I found out about FTA. I got into it mainly for the Spanish channels for my wife. Honestly, I have more fun installing, and setting up than actually watching TV. I got all my info from this forum. For me, there is no FTA without SatelliteGuys. This is the friendlies forum (it's people) around.
I am looking forward to the prices of the HD receivers coming down and getting one.
I got involved with wifi (wireless) internet building links to provide broadband to people and areas that never had it. I realized the limitations and the headaches that involved after a while though when you do it on a business scale.

I have some areas I would love to go to but have issues. Cost. If I can get a wireless solution that is cheap enough then I can bring the service to others (and to myself) and get off of satellite.
Amateur Radio for 30 years (licensed) was around it my whole life (Dad was a Ham)
Had a 10.5' BUD from 1983 to 1998 C band only. Got back into it on KU side last Spring.
In the Satellite broadcast development business many years. Ham radio G call sign, flying our Piper comanche PA24-250 (both XYL and I had PPLs), something had to go, so the Sky tv subscriptions got cancelled in favour of Avgas.
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