My Movie is DONE!

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Scott Greczkowski

Welcome HOME!
Original poster
Staff member
Cutting Edge
Sep 7, 2003
Newington, CT
You might remember last year I spent a few weekend helping out some old college friends with a movie they were making....

Well I am please to announce that it is all finished and is now available for viewing online.

If your a fan or Star Trek and Star Wars your going to enjoy this one. :)

Craig Murphy spent all fall and winter editing this and you can tell he put in a lot of time and effort.

I did a majority of the camera work with Stephen Emirzian and am happy with the final product.

You can watch the video by clicking on the
Untitled Document

You can find more movies that we have made by visiting __/ MEEZMEYER \__

The shooting for this video was long and hard and took many weekends but in the end it all works. I am hoping that we can all get together again this year and do more fun stuff like this.

Let me know what you think. It is 20 minutes long. :)
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Scott you are such a GEEK. BUt I loved it, the acting by "Kirk" was as good as Bill Shatner himself. THe sound effects and music straight out of the origional series -great. Now were you in the movie itself anywhere?
Whoops I posted the wrong link.

That Star Trek you saw was done over 10 years ago. Everything you saw in that movie as far as the sets was built by hand (mostly of cardboard)

Here is our new movie.

Untitled Document
Dear Scott,

You are insane.


P.S. Watched the whole thing, laughing my a$$ off, the fact that you know that many people with access to that many uniforms scares me.

P.S.S. Did you have to kill off the blond in the blue star trek uniform???
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Great piece of work, Scott. The editing was very well done. Not something that was done on a weekend, for sure. That guy Craig Murphy is a natural talent. Hope he makes it big in the business. Additionally, the actors looked and sounded so real. Either good talent or excellent direction or both. Maybe this:

Now I did hear a rumor, that you are being investigated as part of a conspiracy to hire illegal aliens so just watch your back. :D
(Big Guy from Alpha Beta Fraternity) "NERDS!!!!!!"

Nicely done. The Worf and Riker impersonations were dead on.....


Coming Soon to a YouTube window SOON!
Scott, just viewed your Nerds Startrek fantasy. Nice work. The camera work was fine, and the editing was excellent.

What did you use to shoot the movie? My guess is a Sony HD consumer videocam. Or maybe one of those nice Panasonic jobbies that sell for several thousand? I'd also be interested to know what software program Murphy used for editing.

Good luck with your next project.

Best Regards, and thanks for another entertainment experience.

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