My Jackson, Va Tstorms

Louisville, KY (110 TP4) is also going in and out. TP4 is a spotbeam for the area. Keep getting the old slate showing "We're working on it."
7.5 miles of clouds to try and get a signal through! For as much activity that's in that area, it could be some time before they come back.
The storms have knocked out Atlanta local channels as well. This happened a few months back and once the storm passed the channels came back up.
The storms have knocked out Atlanta local channels as well. This happened a few months back and once the storm passed the channels came back up.

I think that was just last month. Too bad for me once the storm clears in Mt. Jackson they'll be in my area to take out my incoming signal! :eek:

Dish turning off DVRs?!?

$103 Million to TiVo, Why?

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