my install


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Supporting Founder
Jan 25, 2004
Land O Lakes, FL
had my 811 installed on saturday. happy with the hdtv part of it. i have the 49 percent problem other have had. i don't use the s video, so i can't comment on that.

i gave the installer 30 bucks to clean up the wires outside and to properly gound the satelitte. the guy did a kick ass job. with hearing so many horry stories with installers, i was so happy with the way the guy hooked me up. he had a couple of beers with me while he was completing the install. if you guys could of seen the way the wires looked before he cleaned them up, you would be amazed.

if there is anyone in the tampa area that would like to know the company that installed, let me know.

i wouldn't give dish credit on the install since they use contractors. overall, i am more than satisfied with the install.
Kinda' sad you had to bribe your installer to get him to do a professional job of it. :no

I held back on getting DISH for a long time because I didn't want their installers messing things up, but suprise, suprise, they did an excellent job.
Fortunately, I didn't have to bribe them or get them drunk to do it. :)

Glad you are happy with the install, enjoy! :D
You make it sound like he date raped him to get him to do his job....

All he did was pay him some extra cash to finish up someone else's job, and shared a beer or two. Nothing wrong with that.

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