My first post - and asking for help on 2nd LNB on a BUD

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My name is Carlos Brolo. I live in Guatemala City 14.635942° N -90.523519° E 27 years old...

Satellites are my new hobby.... have been reading a lot and succesfully installed a BUD 2.4m on my home pointing to Galaxy 16 99°W azimuth 210.53°

Also a small 70x80 cm ofset dish to Hispasat satellites on 30°W.

I was reading that many users have sucessfully installed many LNBs to a single BUD mesh dish, but they are located where satellites are some degrees apart...

I want to know if you think its possible for me to use my 2.4 BUD to catch 3 Sats:

Galaxy 16 99°W on azimuth 210.53°
(new addition) -> AMC 1 101°W on azimuth 221.21°
(new addition) -> AMC 18 103° W on azimuth 225°...

your advice will be great!.

Welcome to SatelliteGuys!

99w and 103w are very possible combinations, but 101w is likely too close. Probably won't be able to get a feedhorn close enough to the 99w feedhorn. Temporarily remove the scalar and try handholding the feedhorn as close to the existing 99w feedhorn and test on a 101w transponder if the spacing is possible.

The distance between feedhorns is dependent on the FD of the dish as well as the satellite elevations and look angles from your location. Since you are near the equator and looking almost due South and at a very high elevation angle, these factors are in your favor. The satellites "look" further apart from your location as compared to a location further North or looking towards the horizons.

Take a few photos of the dish set-up and I am sure that you will get plenty of suggestions.
Thank you for your reply... Yes, I will take some pictures later today....

My concern is that:

Galaxy 16 99°W on azimuth 210.53°
(new addition) -> AMC 1 101°W on azimuth 221.21°
(new addition) -> AMC 18 103° W on azimuth 225°...

Galaxy 16 99° is 10.68° azimut apart from ACM 1 on my location .... so I need to rotate the BUD like 15 cm over its circumference ..... based on your experience, it is possible to catch satelites "azimuth" far away ?.... and how far can they be?....

Welcome to the site!

No need to rotate your whole dish. Just rotate the LNBF. :)

=carlosbrolotobar = the Variant 99w-103w-/F/-105w at you will not go.
On your country the beam-with-range shines only.
If I lived in your country, I would establish so-as on a photo more low.
To adjust Focus on 103w.?????? it is constant Dish.?????-\take off\- LNB on 103w.
Then to take LNB on-with - with small diameter of an irradiator and to adjust lateral companions on 99w and 105w.???????-strengthen- very densely and to fix.
If LNB-?-on 99w and 105w will be with an irradiator to cut it is necessary on the one hand and to press densely.
And on the companion 103w it is necessary still separate to Dish th 0,9-1,2m

This is on a 2.4m dish. Center LNBF is on 99W. The one on the left is on 91W, and the one on the right is on 107W. Just to give you an idea how close the feed horns need to be. This is a fairly shallow dish with a longer focal length than many. It's a solid spun aluminum dish.
There is a small chance that 2 of those lnbs may be combined into 1. it has happened by accident by me for 99 and 101. If you do that, you will lose a lot of Q , but i suppose it depends on what TP's you wish to catch.
I have done 40.5 and 43 on a 10'dish ok, but it is the closest i could do.
I mean , try 1 thing, try them all, what the heck!! Great fun.
Something weird happened yesterday....
I moved the antenna searching 103°, so I had to move my principal LNB to catch again 99°.
So next to it I placed the other LNB... I was moving it up, down, forward, etc... to see if I catched something when I suddently catched 97° .... Legacy TV transponder was strong 45% signal there.....
I was specting to catch > 99 not <

Funny thing.... I will continue testing...
Can certainly tell from your picture how close you are to the equator! I take it you modified the scaler ring(s) to get them that close?
Please reply by conversation.

Missing TP in scans
