my first big dish

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Active SatelliteGuys Member
Original poster
May 11, 2013
Seattle, WA
Hoping I could get some advice as I just got my first dish (sitting in pieces right now). Maybe you could look at this list and tell me what else I need to get C-band FTA working and what parts of this setup are old/useless...

Dish is an Astra 10' center focus mesh dish with a polar mount. I have no receiver box or anything besides what is mentioned below.

It has a rotation servo jack on it called a VonWeise V76-5, 24-36 VDC, 1/15 HP, 2.75 amp, 19:1 ratio, Duty "int"
Solar Panel/Satellite DC Actuator with Telescoping Tube Assembly. 24-36 VDC 1/15 HP Bidirectional Permanent Magnet Input Motor. 600 lbs. Full Load Thrust. Linear Velocity at Full Load Thrust 6.8 – 11.0 in/min. with 24 Inch Linear Stroke. Reed Switch Feedback Control. Limit Switches for overall stoke control. Enclosure Totally Enclosed Non-Ventilated. 19:1 Gearbox Ratio.

The lnb assembly has a chaparal center tube. The lnb is a Gardiner C95-32 with the following specs: input 3.7-4.2ghz, IF 950 - 1450 MHz, Gain 65dB, Lo: 5150 MHz, Noise temp 32 degrees K. It also has a blue box labeled chaparal and has 2 wires going into it.

What of any of this can I use? I am looking for a simple setup to dvr shows from IS-21 (I am in WA so moderately distant).

Thanks for your help!

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Am no C-band expert *yet* but for the receiver, I recommend the MicroHD (awesome unit and the support you get is great). You'll likely need a dish mover (v-box) and a new LNB (pref: C/Ku Universal).
You're looking at about 250$ in equipment plus extra wiring is needed.

Check out Satellite AV's site up top in the banner.

Welcome to the world of FTA..

Cheers, K
thanks for the welcome! Dish needs some rework so I can easily add $150 in paint & new bolts. (old stuff is rusted up and sheared several bolts during disassembly)

So receiver, vbox, and a new lnb... thinking that might be the case.
Welcome to Satelliteguys.
Things you'll need- DVB Receiver. Might as well get one that's S2 capable. The GeosatPro microHD offered by SatelliteAV is the most recommended as there is SatelliteAV support right here. Others: Pansat 9500HDX, Manhattan RS-1933, Traxis DBS6000 HD. Those 4 being the most common 'new' models around these parts anyway. I've seen them all on 'bay. You can check out the reviews section for more(??).
I'd opt to swap out the LNB/feed assembly with a LNBF. Only the Pansat model can operate the polarity servo (If it really has 3 wires, not just two*) that you have.
All are DVR capable. Just plug in a self powered external USB drive.
Add a VBox so you can move the dish from one satellite to another via the DVB receivers remote.
*3 wires - polorotor, servo operated. 2 wires= polorizer, DC polarity selects polarity.
VonWeise V76-5 - check it for operation. if noisy or 'sticky', disassemble, clean/relube. Check end play(in-out) You want little if any with satellites 2 degrees apart.
You can use anything from 12 to 36 volts(a drill battery?) reverse the motor wires of go the other way.
DO NOT connect the battery to the small sensor wires.
About the sensor. it has to be a reed switch, not a 10 turn potentiometer. Some pictures of the inerds? 4 screws to remove the back cover. Heck, pictures of everything. One of the mesh, close up, with a reference (dime or a ruler) If the holes are too big, Ku band might not perform very well. (So a C band only LNBF)
Maybe some one with the same dish will jump in with comments???
Welcome to the hobby.
I pretty much agree with the good advice above.

- grease your Von Weise and get running, if it has a reed switch and not a pot
- cant go wrong with GeosatPro microHD by SatelliteAV (least expensive / best supported)
- get a C band only LNBF and install it
- use a Gbox or Vbox to move the dish
- if you repaint the dish, use flat not gloss on side facing the sky
- use RG6 coax and compression for all RF connections! (look up: "snap n seal")

There are a number areas to learn about to get signals reliably across the arc.
All will need to be optimized.
And we can help you with everything.

edit: need pictures of dish 'n mount to give best advice
I agree with above. However if you are not ready the spend the money today, you can use the existing LNB. Actually it will probably work better than what you can buy. The only problem is that you can not easily control its polarity. You will be stuck on Horizontal or vertical.

You also can use two or three car batteries in series to drive your dish back and forth. Again your control depends on what gadgets you add and those gadgets will not have the presicion of the equipment listed in the other posts above. As my dish is 200+ feet from my home, I use a momentary toggle switch and relays to drive the dish back and forth.
I'm really interested in C-band stuff at this point. There is a few international channels I'd like to record shows. I am going to be out of town for 2 weeks before I can even start cleaning the dish parts up.

Eventually I'd like to see if Ku band is a possibility (the mesh would have to be replaced? modified?), does anybody sell replacement mesh (cut it yourself to fit?)

What sort of paint besides "flat" do I need to use? Does it have to be a metallic paint? Flat black is my color of choice.

I can see already I need to replace all the bolts with galvanized hardware. Is there tricks to weather sealing the dish to reduce rust? I'm thinking lots of RTV sealant?
I'm really interested in C-band stuff at this point. There is a few international channels I'd like to record shows.
get a WSI ESX242 LNBF it will get you going for $25 a better set-up would be > $200 wait on that

Eventually I'd like to see if Ku band is a possibility (the mesh would have to be replaced? modified?), does anybody sell replacement mesh (cut it yourself to fit?)
if your parts are good there good. if ripped or missing a donor dish might be easier or add a picture of what need a member might have something. very few good ku 24/7 channels imo it best to go with a 1 - 1.2 meter dish for them so add that later...after you are Hooked

What sort of paint besides "flat" do I need to use? Does it have to be a metallic paint? Flat black is my color of choice.
Flat black would be fine. Flat is the key word.

I can see already I need to replace all the bolts with galvanized hardware. Is there tricks to weather sealing the dish to reduce rust? I'm thinking lots of RTV sealant?
have not ever replaced some one
good luck
shot some pics, be warned this is ugly... the entire dish is in pieces as I disassembled it. The mounting post is 3.5" x 14 feet steel (100+ lbs), you can see the rotator ring and other pieces. Everything you see needs replacement or lots of work.
DSC00598.JPGpipe.JPGscreen.JPGastra lnb.JPG
Here is my opinion on paints:

Basically, get off any loose rust with a (motorized) wire wheel
Spray on two coats of anti-rust primer.
Apply top coat of choice. Preferably another rust-inhibitor.

That's for steel mounts, motors, 'n poles.

For aluminum parts or mesh/perf/solid dishes, we need a larger conversation.
That's why we need pictures.
Don't want you painting the actual dish if it's not necessary.

PS: not a big fan of flat black. (nor white)
But a good charcoal gray can disappear into the skyline. ;)
I'll add one more comment. If you do decide to go with a C/Ku LNBF make sure you get the "standard" version not the universal one as the universal has some funky Ku LO settings and your TP numbers will likely be off from what the "normal" numbers would be. I made that mistake on my first purchase and now I only use that universal one for testing when something has gone wrong with one of my systems. From what I've seen, the universal ones are designed to be used in Europe, not the USA.
do not buy a C/Ku LNBF these are bad and are getting worse.
the feedhorn you have should work fine for C/Ku if the lnb's are good. you would need a Pansat 9500 receiver to control the servo motor(blue thing)
good luck
Please reply by conversation.

Dish knitting

Compact Chap feed and LNB w/polarotor

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