My customer service experience was a nightmare... :(


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Nov 24, 2006
Just called Dish Network a few moments ago to change our local networks to Atlanta (we live about fifty - sixty miles north) from a previous "move" from Los Angeles. It took a total of about thirty minutes for the customer service representative to understand that I was changing our address back to North Georgia and wanted to receive the locals from the Atlanta area rather than Los Angeles. I became so upset that I asked on several occasions to speak with management but was denied the opportunity.

Thinking winter might get a little wild (along with the fact that she is an educator and will need to see what dates school will potentially close) my wife wanted to change back over to Atlanta locals until about late February.

I assume it is possible to "move" in the same manner as a DirecTV customer and have the following question: Should I decide to change over to DirecTV, can I use the same dish that I currently have for Dish Network and position it in order to receive DirecTV signals?

And about StarChoice... Is it possible to receive networks like TNT or USA on their dish?? I've looked over the programming options and haven't noticed anything (but I do like how they have several packages split up for about $4.99/each). I'm not sure if my memory serves me correct, but I believe a friend of mine from Montreal informed me that in order to see WWE RAW on Monday night on a Canadian receiver, I would need Score....
I can help you with one or two questions, many have 'moved' sucessfully with D*, and, it is my understanding that a dish 300 or a dish 500 with a single or a dual LNB will work for D* while a dish twin or quad on a dish 500 will not work.
Just called Dish Network a few moments ago to change our local networks to Atlanta (we live about fifty - sixty miles north) from a previous "move" from Los Angeles. It took a total of about thirty minutes for the customer service representative to understand that I was changing our address back to North Georgia and wanted to receive the locals from the Atlanta area rather than Los Angeles. I became so upset that I asked on several occasions to speak with management but was denied the opportunity.

Thinking winter might get a little wild (along with the fact that she is an educator and will need to see what dates school will potentially close) my wife wanted to change back over to Atlanta locals until about late February.

I assume it is possible to "move" in the same manner as a DirecTV customer and have the following question: Should I decide to change over to DirecTV, can I use the same dish that I currently have for Dish Network and position it in order to receive DirecTV signals?

And about StarChoice... Is it possible to receive networks like TNT or USA on their dish?? I've looked over the programming options and haven't noticed anything (but I do like how they have several packages split up for about $4.99/each). I'm not sure if my memory serves me correct, but I believe a friend of mine from Montreal informed me that in order to see WWE RAW on Monday night on a Canadian receiver, I would need Score....
I hang up and dail again if I get someone that can't speak english or isn't doing their job.
I think it's hilarious that someone who's lying to DISH and writes a post about it gets pissed when something doesn't get done right.

Receive the channels you're supposed to, and shut the hell up.
I think it's hilarious that someone who's lying to DISH and writes a post about it gets pissed when something doesn't get done right.

Receive the channels you're supposed to, and shut the hell up.

extremely eloquent and well said! :D
I think it's hilarious that someone who's lying to DISH and writes a post about it gets pissed when something doesn't get done right.

Receive the channels you're supposed to, and shut the hell up.

With all due respect, I wasn't complaining about the networks I was receiving. I was complaining about the fact that nobody with DISH can speak English plainly enough to understand what the "HELL" any of us want.

Thank you.... And, by the way, you can go there for all I care...
I hang up and dail again if I get someone that can't speak english or isn't doing their job.

Which is what I think I'll do from here on out. Still, I pay my subscription annually, so it isn't like I call everyday. With the decline in customer service ratings, maybe Charlie should pay someone who speaks English to work as a CSR?
You may want to give the ole' "Can I speak with Advanced Tech?" a try. I doubt many rent-a-CSR's can set up an appointment for service (e.g. installation) so in theory you should go straight to a Dish CSR.
Just wondering if the people who tell everyone to shut the hell up are the same ones who are lucky enough to get the networks they want legally.
Most likely. In this day and age, if you have an HDTV and receiver, why the heck shouldn't you get the major networks in HD (albeit HD-lite *sigh*)? I'd be willing to bet most people who say "quit complaining" about the "moving" stuff probably already have their locals in HD...well some of us are SOL. I don't blame anyone for "moving."

On a second can be really frustrating getting CSRs from India who don't have a clue what you're saying. I was on the phone for 20 minutes a couple weeks ago trying to explain Dish needed to stop charging me for OKC locals since I had "moved" to Denver a month before that and "couldn't" get the OKC locals (nor did I want them anyways). She just couldn't understand! Very frustrating.
Just wondering if the people who tell everyone to shut the hell up are the same ones who are lucky enough to get the networks they want legally.

everyone? I only see one person posting it, though I did agree with it
The thing with moving is to not bring up what locals you will receive untill after they have chaged your address. From your post it sound like you put the cart before the horse. By talking about local channels before they changed the service address. If you didnt then just forget what I posted.

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