My 501 showed some name based recording smarts


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Sep 9, 2003
I meant to report this earlier, but didn't have time with all of the things that have happened this month with E*.

A few days prior to this month's Charlie Chat, I went to the guide and selected the Chat and it set up a timer event for me. But I then noticed that it was at the 10:00 ET time slot when it normally is at 9:00. But I left it that way, thinking that there was a scheduling change.

But a day or two later, it was reported that the guide was wrong and that the chat would indeed start at 9:00, not 10:00. So I went back to the guide and sure enough, the chat was now listed at 9:00. But here's the interesting thing, the timer icon (clock) had moved with the change and was sitting at the 9:00 slot.

But when I went to the Timers listing, the event was still scheduled there for 10:00. I was tempted to leave things alone to see which one prevailed, but the chat was potentially too important to risk missing, so I deleted the timer and recreated it.

So there are some smarts in there that allowed at least the timer icon to move with the event when it's start time was changed. It may not be very functional, but I just thought I'd report it.
I dont trust it either. I had it scheduled to record a show weekly then the show was extended to two hours for one episode. When looking at the guide, the timer icon seemed to show it now would record the 2 hours. But that was not true. We were dismayed to find out that it was still only set to record for 1 hour and lost half the show.

NEVER EVER trust the DVR timers on Dish if the show changes in time or duration!! Delete and re-add.

Also, if you want to tape one event and it conflicts with a repeating timer and it asks for you to delete one of them, is there a way to tell it to only delete THAT SINGLE SHOW of the repeating timer rather than the whole repeating timer?!?
Well I missed the Charlie Chat because when I told the 721 to program it to record at 10 pm, it did not change it on its own, so I doubt there are any 'smarts' being used by Dish when it comes to these DVR's and the name based functionality that dont exist.
The 721 has a skip one time only option on the timer conflict resolution screen. I 've used it and it works quite well.

As far as the show being extended past the regular time with Dish, no I have not found it to record past the regular timer that is preset origonally. That's why I record my network shows in manual blocks. This will reduce the amount of timers I have and will split the show into individual shows and you can watch them in any order you want with info for each if needed. I never miss the ends of my shows like when they supersize the Friends ,Will and Grace etc.

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