Openbox Muzak channels on AMC-1 ku.


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Oct 15, 2007
Not sure if this is where I should post this question.
I have Fortec 90 cm dish, single lnb and open source 9 receiver.
Trying to get Mood / Muzak on Sat. 103.
Can get cozi tv no problem signal 90, quality 78.
Try to scan 12145 v sambal Rate 20000 and nothing.
I do not get a signal reading it is greyed out but on tip for Cozi tv get green signal 90 and Blue quality 78.
What am I doing wrong.
Thank you
Not sure if this is where I should post this question.
I have Fortec 90 cm dish, single lnb and open source 9 receiver.
Trying to get Mood / Muzak on Sat. 103.
Can get cozi tv no problem signal 90, quality 78.
Try to scan 12145 v sambal Rate 20000 and nothing.
I do not get a signal reading it is greyed out but on tip for Cozi tv get green signal 90 and Blue quality 78.
What am I doing wrong.
Thank you
Someone will correct me if I'm wrong. I believe those audio channels need to be entered manually. There is a post somewhere here that has the audio PID's. Try searching around. I'll look too.
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Thanks TRG, I will try to find how to do this, didn't see that option on my receiver when I programed tip
You need to use an editor. This may be helpful.

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I'll try this in the next couple of days and will let you know how I made out.
Thanks again
Used editor and channels are showing on receiver but no music
Sat settings 12145, 20000, V no signal
I have a Super Buddy 29 Meter an it says that I am on sat ses3.
Not sure what I am doing wrong. Cozi TV comes in on a different transponder nice and clear
Well the good news is that you are on the right satellite. Have you tried peaking the dish for optimal signal including the skew? Not all transponders have the same output. Transponder #3 (Cozi) may be stronger than Transponder #22 (Muzak). Your 90cm dish should be able to pull in that signal. I have a feeling that your alignment is just off a little. You are currently on the right satellite. Some very small adjustments might be required. You might want to use a sharpie and make some marks on the mast and inclination to get back to where you started in the event you go too far.
I will try adjusting it just seems weird that all other active transponders have great signal 80 and over and quality is the same. lnb scew is around 10 degrees. Thanks for info
I don't know if it all worked out for you or not, but what kind of cable and fittings are you using and any splitters? I want to say Muzak is coming in around the 2ghz side. So if you got anything in your line cutting off 2ghz or less that could be an issue too. Personally I like using things rated from 5mhz - 3 ghz as it will cover all frequencies that are important. I've heard of duplexes running 54 - 2150 and no return path for a cable modem on the line. Same type of deal. It's worth a check. Also make sure your voltage is right. 13 / 18 volts not like 12 or 17 volts at the dish
On a standard type LNBF this transponder has an IF of 1395MHz. (12145 - 10750 = 1395). 2GHz rated inline devices would pass this transponder just fine.

A 3GHz splitter is only needed with C-band where the band IF is reversed.

The STB may require the op to enter a filler PID for the SID or VPID entry in the editor. Example: null pid 8191 is used my many STBs.
Hi Michael
Thanks for your input. I am a retired Shaw Direct Installer with 30 years experience. Using proper weatherproof compression fit connectors and 3GZ RG6 cable with no splices in cable. I have set my Super Buddy 29 meter to 12145 V sambal Rate 20000 and I am getting 84 Strength and 76 Quality. Still no luck with getting stations. I have tried another box to manually program in audio 7496 and so on with no luck. Do you have to program in VPID?
When I programmed hex editor I don't believe that I entered anything for VPID, PID or SID.
Thanks for the help
Read the channel list from.the STB and look at a radio service that has been scanned in as an example. This service should give you an idea what parameters are required to receive a radio service. Some receivers require a null VPID and or null SID.

Not familiar with your STB brand/model, so do not know what pids are required.
Hi To All
Titanium and all others that helped. I would like to let you know that I now have music.
I have a Open Box 10. Opened hex editor and put 8191 into VPID as suggested. but this didn't work.
There is a setting in the hex editor called PCR PID so I put 8191 into that space and put 0 in VPID.
Updated software and all stations I wanted came in. Want to thank you all for the help.

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