Phase II Dish not Phase III
OK....apparently, my dish is a Phase II dish and not a Phase III. I picked it up a few years ago as a 2 LNB oval dish. I then purchased a Sat C kit and added that to the dish. All has been working flawlessly. I now want to add a 5th receiver, which is where I am having problems. I purchased a Terk BMS 58 and tried using this, but it doesn't work. I guess Phase III and Phase II work differently. My dish now has 3 LNB's but each LNB can be individually removed and replaced if necessary. I see that the Phase III dishes, the 3 LNB's are 1 unit. Am I correct so far? I am having a difficult time trying to find a Multiswitch that will allow me to add a 5th. receiver. The Multiswitch on the dish is built into the arm and the LNB's plug into it with 4 cables running out the back of the dish each labled to receiver. I would prefer to have a multiswitch that I can use outside because of the way the cabling is run. However, if need be, I will redo some cabling if I have to mount indoors. 3 of the cable runs are just over 100 feet each. Can anyone recommend a multiswitch for this situation???? I looked at the Zinwell, but it looks like the Phase II is not recommended for use with the Zinwell.