I was given 3 months free with these Legal Disclosures,( maintain 250 pkg. without disconnection). This is the first time I had conditions
I just got this at dish chat. Wanted to check out FS2 in HD, well I don't think it is HD ??????? I have AT200 , HBO & BBHTruth be told, 9/10 times they don't stick to their requirements. If you downgrade to at120+ or above, I bet you'll still continue the promotion. Two requirements of Hdffl was autopay and paperless billing. People removed those all the time, and nothing happened to their hd. Just to give you a little perspective.
Well, that don't make a lot of sense ; )FS2 is in Hd without the MSP. I don't have MSP and its HD in my AT250
FS2 is in Hd without the MSP. I don't have MSP and its HD in my AT250