OTHER Multiport voltage switch suggestions needed

Port A came alive with 13/18 volts. Port B on the other hand took a few seconds.

Port A is always the switch startup default port.
A switch can have a slow startup time, and need a diseqc command repeat (or a longer pause, before the first command), for any other port than port A.
I don't see that a terminator could influence that; it is not near the controler IC, but at the other end of the ultimate (sometimes darlington) switching transistor.

Your (re)sources gave no explanation or cannot give an explanation, why this could be? I'm puzzled, to what exact problem cause these terminators are a solution.
It is nice that they work, but I'd like to understand..

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BM78153. Cmos ports. Cmos doesn't like floating input/outputs. NXP, the same. From the links above.
It could be if the lnb load were present on the port(s) switching would be immediate.
But it is not so. I dunno. My source was from my 'gray-area' guys. Or the dreaded "H" word as this place calls it.
If the NSA and Apple can't get data out of their own phone and those guy's can.....
It wasn't a lecture/lab situation. I was in for instant gratification and a possible solution.
They said try it. I tried it. It worked.
The Edision went from around 150-160 degrees to a little over a hundred.
No direct shot of surge will shoot past the feed from the power inserter.
Will it and the ASC1 live a long life? Hope so.
Sometimes you just want to plant tomato plants to get tomatoes. If somebody says to put chicken...you know. In the dirt.
Learn why later.
Neither IC I found in the links with an available data sheet was a purpose made chip unlike others from TI, Si. Needing programming for the task.
The NXP MCU is stated as used for CANBUS systems. Try removing or diagnosing a missing or poor terminator connection in a CANBUS system in a vehicle. If you don't get that 120 ohms resistance, your data stream gets filthy.

97.75% of a lot my headaches would have been settled is someone would have just said that a Multiswitch.
Multiswitch proper. As diseqc switches are also called multiswitches.
Was just sitting there waiting for a threshold of voltage from the receiver(s) connected to it. To switch voltage always present to the lnb ports. And 0 volts would default to the terrestrial port. Or something to that tune.
Instead of over thinking the what happens to the lnb ports if 2 receivers are connected.
Just add C.S. to the dirt, plant the seeds, and water it. Wait and make a pizza.
Oh. You're gonna' love this one. One time and one time only I used the dielectric depolarizer, "Slab", to venture over to the circular polarized satellites.
My Titanium C2W would actually lock signals and I got a few channels. With real low signal strength. Without it.
On a cold starry clear night I slipped the slab in and took a few minutes to figure out which pair of guides was needed.
Of course signal shot up to a decent value.
Linear polarization satellites with the slab in. Signal dropped considerably.

This ortho almost completely rejects circular polarizarion. But on strong linear transponders, signal is out the roof.
Has anyone experimented with a depolarizer design that meets in the middle?
I would say linear transponders have signal to spare.
I have not tried one of the several ones (slabs) I have yet in this beast yet.
Is there such an animal?
Oh. You're gonna' love this one. One time and one time only I used the dielectric depolarizer, "Slab", to venture over to the circular polarized satellites.
My Titanium C2W would actually lock signals and I got a few channels. With real low signal strength. Without it.
On a cold starry clear night I slipped the slab in and took a few minutes to figure out which pair of guides was needed.
Of course signal shot up to a decent value.
Linear polarization satellites with the slab in. Signal dropped considerably.

This ortho almost completely rejects circular polarizarion. But on strong linear transponders, signal is out the roof.
Has anyone experimented with a depolarizer design that meets in the middle?
I would say linear transponders have signal to spare.
I have not tried one of the several ones (slabs) I have yet in this beast yet.
Is there such an animal?
Take a picture before adjusting so that you can get back to original settings, install the dielectric slab, and then rotate the entire feedhorn manually. Somewhere should get you good results..but realize that a dielectric plate used on a linear feedhorn does have its limitations. It is a compromise while pushing the limits of physics, when compared to a true circular feedhorn such as the ADL CPOR-100 and other devices such as those once made by Seavey Engineering.
Thanks. I need to ask why would the feed need rotated versus the original lnbf where there are two pairs of cast in slots for the slab to be slipped in. Either/or which one worked.

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