Multi-feed system on a C-Band Dish backbone

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New Member
Original poster
Feb 22, 2013
I have always been intrigued by BUDs because many bars, sports clubs, and hotels/motels still employ the technology. Matter of fact that is where I plan on obtaining one surplus. I already know what is required - e.g., High Definition Free-to-air receiver, dish, LNB, brackets, cables - to pull down signals from C/Ku band satellites. But I need to know who can actually configure the dish to receive not only C/Ku but Ka-band signals for high-speed internet employing the existing C-band dish (multi-feed Feedhorn/LNB configuration) as well, though. That seems to be the sticking point, because the old satellite guys have all become authorized 18" mini dish distributors since the bottom fell out of their market, and either do not know what hardware requirements - e.g., LNB, feed horn, modem ex cetera - are for Ka band, or how to configure it for high-speed internet connectivity. Can you point me in the correct direction? I do not want to ask the usual suspects because they are only going to try and discourage me from building my own system so they can charge me to more to lease their equipment like cable does to its customers.
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I have always been intrigued by BUDs because many bars, sports clubs, and hotels/motels still employ the technology. Matter of fact that is where I plan on obtaining one surplus. I already know what is required - e.g., High Definition Free-to-air receiver, dish, LNB, brackets, cables - to pull down signals from C/Ku band satellites. But I need to know who can actually configure the LNB to receive not only C/Ku but Ka-band signals for high-speed internet employing the existing C-band dish (multi-feed configuration) as well, though. That seems to be the sticking pint, because the old satellite guys have all become become authorized 18" mini dish distributors since the bottom fell out of their market, and either do not know what hardware requirements are for Ka band. Can you point me in the correct direction? I do not want to ask the usual suspects because they are only going to try and discourage me for building my own system so they can charge me to more to lease their equipment like cable does to its customers.

Welcome to satguys :)

KA-band you can try and mod a directv lnb that would be the cheapest. (Not much info on that).
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What's you ultimate configuration? I mean, what do you expect to do with it? Ku, Ka, and C band all on a single fixed dish kinda sounds like "too much" to expect. Fixed dishes are limited to only a small % of the arc. May only be able to see 4 or 5 satellites. With that limitation you're really hand-cuffed.
What limitations? The mount will be motorized. Since placement of these satellites is measured in "degrees," which equate to feet and in some cases only inches, I do not understand your point. Do you know anyone that has done this configuration or, more importantly, actually done it? If not, I did not request an opinion. Thanks.
Well, first off, think you'd want your satellite internet on a dedicated dish. Then you wouldn't loose internet when you move the movable dish.
actually done it?
C and Ku FTA on a single dish, yes. C, Ku FTA AND Ka satellite internet, NO.
For C and Ku on a BUD. Needs very small holes in the dish surface. Like the size of a pencil lead. The dish has to be VERY accurately conforming to the parabolic shape, or Ku performance suffers. The surface accuracy at Ka is probably in the region of 1/16 of an inch. Hard to do in anything but a commercial dish. (Not that common on a polar mount)
In a word: NO !
Not in the consumer world anyway. Suggest a fixed Ka dish for your internet. and a BUD with, if the dish is really good, a combo C/Ku LNBF.
What is it you're 'after'?
We know what you want to 'put together, but, what is it you want to gain with C and Ku. That would determine what your system would look like.
I prefer dedicated C and Ku dishes. My 30 inch commercial Ku dishes perform better than my BUD on Ku.
My farm- 4 fixed Ku (various sats-30W to 125W) and BUD with another 30 inch mounted on it's lower lip (139W to 55.5W).
A 10' dish makes a mean wifi antenna if you have line-of-sight to a source and can point it horizontally!
Chicken wire will probably work.
Torn/dangling mesh with bullet holes & hail damage will probably work! :)
2.4 ghz.

How did we get to wifi? Seems absurd.
Oh, maybe a social comment on the whole thread & attitude? ;)

dennisshipman said:
...Ka-band signals for high-speed internet employing the existing C-band dish....
The mount will be motorized. ...

Do you know anyone that has done this configuration or, more importantly, actually done it?
If not, I did not request an opinion.
I know a typical 10' dish has a .5 degree beamwidth on ku band. Given that...even if you had a solid big dish I don't believe the actuator or mount would be accurate enough to tune KA band.
I believe the bigest issue here is the fact that these days a licenced installer must do the work on your internet dish and equipment. I believe the fcc requires this because you will be transmitting as well as receiving. In the event that you can set up your own system, used equipment can be found on ebay all day long.
Please reply by conversation.

ice how you i got a quiq ?

actuator size for the arc
