MSG gone too from DISH

does directv still carry msg hd - for those not in the NYC RSN? i'm in chicago.
I've been watching all the Rangers pre-season games in HD on MSG and MSG+ here in Minnesota on DirecTV.

Obviously you'll need the appropriate package (Center Ice for NHL, League Pass for NBA) to watch the professional teams on MSG, but it is indeed in HD for viewers outside NY.
I've been watching all the Rangers pre-season games in HD on MSG and MSG+ here in Minnesota on DirecTV.

Obviously you'll need the appropriate package (Center Ice for NHL, League Pass for NBA) to watch the professional teams on MSG, but it is indeed in HD for viewers outside NY.

thanks - so it sounds like you have the regional sports package too - with MSG HD, correct. irony is a couple years ago i switched from directv to dish because at the time dish always carried home and away feeds and directv was only carry home feeds - and i like sam rosen! i switch to dish and immediately directv starts carrying both feeds and it sounds like MSG HD to boot! do you also get the ranger center ice games in HD - MSG broadcast??
thanks - so it sounds like you have the regional sports package too - with MSG HD, correct.
Correct, I have the multi-sport pack right now which allows me to see the other RSNs that are not blocked out for NHL games during the pre-season. (MSG and MSG+ in HD included)

irony is a couple years ago i switched from directv to dish because at the time dish always carried home and away feeds and directv was only carry home feeds
That's the same reason I stuck with Dish for a number of years as well -- for anyone who argues Dish isn't for sports, they certainly started off leading the way for decent NHL coverage.

i switch to dish and immediately directv starts carrying both feeds and it sounds like MSG HD to boot! do you also get the ranger center ice games in HD - MSG broadcast??
Center Ice hasn't started yet for the season, so it's difficult to confirm. There was a dispute between the NHL and MSG that keep the MSG-HD games off Center Ice for part of last year, but as I recall people in the DirecTV forum said that was resolved in March/April and they started being able to watch the games on CI again. I currently have no reason to believe the MSG games would not be available in HD on Center Ice with DirecTV.
Correct, I have the multi-sport pack right now which allows me to see the other RSNs that are not blocked out for NHL games during the pre-season. (MSG and MSG+ in HD included)

That's the same reason I stuck with Dish for a number of years as well -- for anyone who argues Dish isn't for sports, they certainly started off leading the way for decent NHL coverage.

Center Ice hasn't started yet for the season, so it's difficult to confirm. There was a dispute between the NHL and MSG that keep the MSG-HD games off Center Ice for part of last year, but as I recall people in the DirecTV forum said that was resolved in March/April and they started being able to watch the games on CI again. I currently have no reason to believe the MSG games would not be available in HD on Center Ice with DirecTV.

thanks for the very quick response- you're not in the NY RSN, right? do you recall if the ranger rebroadcasts were on in HD on MSG itself, not the CI channel.

i'm really fed up with Dish now - now no msg at all and directv has msg hd. plus 3d channels. trouble on my end is i just paid -in full- for Center Ice. Agent said i could cancel but i don't think that's accurate. plus i just renewed my contract and it'll cost me $210 to get out of it. Does directv offer any incentives for contracted potential customers?
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thanks for the very quick response- you're not in the NY RSN, right? do you recall if the ranger rebroadcasts were on in HD on MSG itself, not the CI channel.

i'm really fed up with Dish now - now no msg at all and directv has msg hd. plus 3d channels. trouble on my end is i just paid -in full- for Center Ice. Agent said i could cancel but i don't think that's accurate. plus i just renewed my contract and it'll cost me $210 to get out of it. Does directv offer any incentives for contracted potential customers?
I think with loss of MSG / FSN and more by law they must let you out of the contract.
thanks for the very quick response- you're not in the NY RSN, right? do you recall if the ranger rebroadcasts were on in HD on MSG itself, not the CI channel.

i'm really fed up with Dish now - now no msg at all and directv has msg hd. plus 3d channels. trouble on my end is i just paid -in full- for Center Ice. Agent said i could cancel but i don't think that's accurate. plus i just renewed my contract and it'll cost me $210 to get out of it. Does directv offer any incentives for contracted potential customers?
I believe you can cancel Center Ice before the season starts. Once the season starts you are out of luck. I know Direct TV at one time was paying for Dish customers to get out of their contracts. I would call both providers as soon as possible to find out for sure because the season starts next week. I would cancel the Center Ice for now because both Dish and Direct have a free preview for Center Ice for the first couple of weeks of the season for all of their customers. Also with Direct TV you will get all of your games in HD if they are broadcast in HD, not like Dish where they don't have the bandwidth to do all of the games in HD yet.
I think with loss of MSG / FSN and more by law they must let you out of the contract.
With Direct and Dish they are not required by law to let you out of your contract if they drop a station. It states it in your contract that they can basically do what they want with adding and removing programing. I think with cable it might be a different story, at least around here with Time Warner.
Ok so fuse is the reason why they pulled msg...why not add it...will my bill go up that much more

All the dropping channels to save us money stuff is crazy...i havent seen my bill dropped yet
I praise Dish Network for doing their best to keep costs down even though it may get annoying at times. Most people are not doing better than about a 3% increase in pay every year. If any television broadcaster or provider is looking for any more than that, it's not fair regardless of what anyone says.
Dish Network raised their monthly fee for a dual tuner HD DVR from $7 to $17 this year. That's a lot more than a 3% increase. Then they stuck us with a regular programming price incrase to boot this summer. I'm not praising Dish anymore. :mad:
Dish Network raised their monthly fee for a dual tuner HD DVR from $7 to $17 this year. That's a lot more than a 3% increase. Then they stuck us with a regular programming price incrase to boot this summer. I'm not praising Dish anymore. :mad:

This is before this all happened. They are never going to drop prices even though some peoples went down. Mine did when they did HD free for life. They haven't raised and prices lately so that's good, they probably would off if they didn't dump those channels that wanted a huge increase in money from DISH.

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I just did a chat, and since I have the sports pack, I got a $7 bill credit for this month, and they said to contact them next month if dispute is not resolved.
Ok so fuse is the reason why they pulled msg...why not add it...will my bill go up that much more

All the dropping channels to save us money stuff is crazy...i havent seen my bill dropped yet

See, that's the strange thing. DISH previously offered FUSE and MSG with no problems. DISH pulls FUSE and now Cablevision is "demanding" DISH add it back in.

Sure, MSG could be asking for a huge fee increase but I would think if they meet somewhere in the middle, everyone can get along. Maybe we see a "we'll take FUSE if you give us MSG/MSG+ HD" scenario.

Part of me says this will get resolved sooner than later since there are a TON of people impacted between Buffalo and NYC who want their Sabres/Rangers/Islanders/Devils/Knicks games when the NHL and NBA seasons start in the next week or two. But the ad running on MSG has DISH digging in their heels.
FIOS doesn't carry MSG HD because MSG won't sell it to them......and for those of you considering switching, what makes you think the same thing won't happen to D* or your cable carrier when their carriage contracts come up for renewal?

This is unlikely to happen to D* because they care about sports and know their subs do too.

Fios has only one HD channel in their CI package, so obviously sports is not a priority for them. And we all know how Charlie feels about sports...
FIOS doesn't carry MSG HD because MSG won't sell it to them......and for those of you considering switching, what makes you think the same thing won't happen to D* or your cable carrier when their carriage contracts come up for renewal?

As far as I know, only Time Warner and Directv, beside Cablevision have the HD Feeds.

To make MSG even more attractive, I always thought other shows that take place in Madison Square Garden should air on these channels like concerts. Why not? These so called sports channels show lots of informercials besides sports.

All summer long, MSG showed concerts etc, which were held at the MSG Venues.
Comcast also has MSG-HD. The cable companies get it because they don't have competing service areas with CableVision (owned by the same folks as Madison Square Garden -- the building and the networks), and DirecTV got access to it because of the spat between Dish and Rainbow Media (also owned by CableVision) over Voom. They tried giving DirecTV a competitive advantage over Dish with the MSG-HD access in order to force Dish to bring Voom back online in order to also get access to MSG-HD. We know how that worked out now....

DISH installer here telling me no Superstations on EA

STELA news for 11/23/2010

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