You can move or you can "move". Depends if you want to pack or not.
Some people get a new billing address (post office box with the post office as the street address, like Joe Dishcust, 123 Main Street, P.O. Box 999, City , State)
There are problems with this... they will try to sell you a Dishmover (you can tell them you'll move the dish yourself). Also, you have to set your P.O. Box to forward your mail to your real address, so you'll get your bill. Get CCAutopay and this'll be handled. Another thing is when you have an upgrade or service call, the tech can't find your place. Make sure your contact numbers are accurate. (one customer told me his P.O. Box was because of a restraining order so people who shouldn't be near him/her can't find them... even though it was in a different DMA).
The last problem is to make sure you can get the spot beam... don't be too far away from the locals area. The DMA's usually follow county lines.