Moving files from PC to Mac

Well, as long as you say 'mature' and not 'old', I won't argue. I figger at 67 I'm just late middle aged... :)

Apple doesn't really market to the geek/upgrade market and hasn't since the first Mac came out. But I'm trying to figure out what would you want to upgrade, other than RAM, on an iMac? Today's iMac comes with a 1TB drive on most of them you know.
Well, as long as you say 'mature' and not 'old', I won't argue. I figger at 67 I'm just late middle aged... :)

Apple doesn't really market to the geek/upgrade market and hasn't since the first Mac came out. But I'm trying to figure out what would you want to upgrade, other than RAM, on an iMac? Today's iMac comes with a 1TB drive on most of them you know.

Exactly! The iMac and Apple's general philosophy has always been "It just works". No need to futz with it, no need to fidget around with compatibility. It just works.

That's why they've stayed in a market defined mainly by the tech savvy and "geeks" of the world. They have a product among the sea of other products out there that just works.

There's certainly a place for a product like that, and Apple has capitalized on it, made it popular, and most importantly, made it proprietary. It's genius!

A feller like me though, if I can't upgrade my video card, swap my HDD, add a killer sound card and network adapter, download bootleg drivers, and futz around with my registry, I just ain't happy.
LOL! Reprising a 10 year old thread? :)

I'm now 77 and haven't used a laptop or desktop in ages. My trusty iPad Pro does all I need to do.
Is running an app on your iPad why 10 year old threads are coming to your attention? Maybe your iPad isn't protecting you from re-visiting ancient history.
Soldered in RAM, Soldered in SSD. 4 large for a laptop? Take my friend who's in video production. And own stock in Apple. With PC's "we" can work on them. Apple is making it impossible to service them at all. Cool if you have had one for years and it still works. My buddy's was 3 weeks old and he had transferred a buttload of files to it. It quit. Dead. Because he's a geek like me he cracked it open to maybe re-seat the RAM or SSD. Not happenin'.
After months of telling him of the Louis Rossman 'tube and Livestream videos he took a peek. That was after he took it to the Apple brainiac shop and they condemned the main board and he hadn't even had it long enough to do a backup. Soldered in SSD? "Come on, Man"!
All of this was told to me in a phone call. I told him he could almost buy 2 screaming PC gaming laptops for what he just spent. Besides repair work on Rossman's videos he's a big supporter of Right to Repair. Not just for tech but also for the poor guy with a new John Deere disabled on the back 40 waiting for a field (literally) tech to show with his HAL 9000 diagnostic rig to make the thing run again.
If I "need" a Mac (which I NEVER will) I'll slap together a Hackintosh. What makes the whole Apple thing funny is my buddy runs mainly Windows on it. It's a Windows world, blind people.
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