I am moving my Dish 1000 Antenna from my deck railing to the side of the house. Deck railing is being torn off soon. I still have a dish mount on the house from an old install, and plan to just move the dish 1000 with the arm to the mount on the house, if you follow what I mean. It will only be moved about 15 feet straight west onto the house. Both the railing the dish is on now, and the place on the house I am moving it to face south. With such a short move, will I need to adjust the asmuth, elevation or the skew? Or should it be pretty close to the same if I make sure not to change any of that during the move? Any other advice would be appreciated. I thought I could have Dish do it for 15 bucks, since I have the home protection plan, but I guess not. They want to charge me 50 bucks to move it 15 feet. I have installed dishes before, but just want to make sure I get all adjustments right, so I don't lose my signal.