Moving but want to keep current programming


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 29, 2003
Just North of LA
Hi all:
I live in the LA area and I'm grandfathered into distant nets. I may be moving to Phoenix. Any suggestions on how I can keep my current programming and distant nets? If I move my billing address (to my new home) but keep my service address as my current home, what happens if the new owners of my current home decide to subscribe to Dish? TIA
BigFella said:
Hi all:
I live in the LA area and I'm grandfathered into distant nets. I may be moving to Phoenix. Any suggestions on how I can keep my current programming and distant nets? If I move my billing address (to my new home) but keep my service address as my current home, what happens if the new owners of my current home decide to subscribe to Dish? TIA

You're going to lose those distance nets at the end of the year. That's when the grandfather clause ends. I'd just bite the bullet and say bye-bye.
If you have LA locals and you can pick them up in Phoenix, I would keep them until they cut them off. Once you lose the distants, you can't get them back.

Just change your billing address
When I moved from Phoenix to receiver from Phoenix for some reason kept all the same programming...therefore, when a football game is blacked out in Colorado....i can miraculously see it on the Phoenix receiver....heh heh.

Maybe the same will happen to you?
Find an L.A. address that you know won't be getting service (fast food joint?), make that your service address, change your billing to Phoenix.

Locals in HD THRU E* ?

Questions about the 811

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