Moved to a new house, Dish Network wants $100 upgrade fee now

If you have a dish500+ or a 1000 dish and you move and leave the dishes behind you will be billed $100 for install at new home?
That's what Tony said. There's more than $200 worth of hardware involved in replacing a DISH 500+ or DISH 1000+ because an external switch is required. A DISH 500 or a DISH 1000.x retails for less than $100.
my solution, use that money toward an etf and get another provider, cable/sat/fios
they should never have had you send the old receiver back, just to charge for it again
Well the installation itself is free, but they want a $100 upgrade fee to the second HD receiver back.

This could be, there was a several month gap in between. But I'm not sure if this is why I had to return the second box in the first place.

I PM'd you the clarification, asking permission to post it on the thread. It answers all of your comments and fills in the gaps to the forum.

Did you use the dish mover thing? You pack the recievers, they'll install a new dish at the new house. Think the service is $25 or something, but you re-up for another 24 months. I did this when we moved

The DISH Mover is free for standard dish installs (i.e. DISH 500, DISH 1k.2/1k.4) for most customers. There is no contract currently in place to get this offer free, although there used to be some time ago.

They actually charge you when you move? All three other providers in my area move and/or transfer you service for free with no charge at all nor no extension of your contract

There is no charge for the move (standard installations) for most customers.

This person was not charged for a Dishmover, but rather a receiver upgrade that was not necessary.

The customer had the correct equipment from the beginning, put the account on pause and was told to turn in one of the receivers. The customer sent it back, and now he is trying to reactivate and being told to pay $100 to get that receiver back

This statement is not accurate, but the full story is not posted. I asked permission to do so and am waiting for a response.

No dish does not charge if you move under normal circumstances, and do not extend the contract, 1 free dish mover per account per 24 month. This is not normal circumstances. The reciever was probsbly requested to be sent back if the csr assumed you wanted dish pause. You kept 1 to keep it active. At 10 a month.

You didnt ask enough questions, and the csr didnt give you enough info.

You can move a reasonable number of times in the same year and still get a free DISH Mover (under new guidelines). DISH Pause does not require the return of ANY equipment. Deactivating a leased receiver does, however. I believe that missing information on this issue would clarify things, and am waiting for permission to post it. DISH Pause is $5 a month and there is no charge for additional receivers. I will say that at the time of this incident, DISH Pause could not be used while under commitment, unlike the current policy of extending the commitment for the length of the DISH Pause.

So let me see if i understand what the dish tech posted..

If you have a dish500+ or a 1000 dish and you move and leave the dishes behind you will be billed $100 for install at new home?Not too many people are going to be able to take those dishes down let alone re-install them.Does that mean dish mover only applies to the smaller dishes now?Please clarify.

Its not the size of the dish, but the equipment attached to it. The 1k.4 and 1000+ are relatively the same size (within an inch or few). The issue is that a 1000+ and 500+ are not used for all customers, usually only international customers. People in certain DMAs used them as well at one time. The limited customer base supporting the use of those two dishes means that it costs the company more to supply them then the other dishes in the line-up, mainly based on how "reusable" they are. An EA dish (1k.4EA) in an EA market can be reused an unlimited amount of times with new customers before being "scrapped" potentially. The same goes with a standard WA dish in a WA market, like the 500 and 1k.2/1k.4WA.

If you need a replacement 1000+ or 500+ when moving, or even a new one when adding programming not originally on the account, there is a $100 charge for that setup. During a move, there is no cost for the installation (LABOR). Separate tech visits to install come at the standard $15 with SP/$95 without SP to install the dish (LABOR), on top of the cost of the dish (EQUIPMENT).

Also, to be very clear (as I thought I was earlier) I do NOT suggest someone putting themselves in danger or possibly damaging equipment or their house over $100. I specifically said "if you can". It saves you some money, and that money is ONLY saved if there are no medical bills attached to it. Do not risk your life or the life of someone else to save a buck or two. Also, you don't need to install it at the new residence.
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Explanation of the situation surrounding this thread:

Last year, the OP called in to cancel services because they were moving. At the time they subscribed to an AT package with HD and Platinum (not HDFFL) as well as international programming. The programming had been the same since the contracts inception, a total of 12 months and with which we provided the OP a 1000+ dish at no charge because the OP was a new customer. Being that there was still half the commitment left and there was a large cancellation fee (12 months at $17.50) at the time of the call, the Loyalty Agent who handled the call offered a minimum programming package to the OP in the form of the Welcome Pack (the most basic programming) for $10 a month as a roundabout way to avoid that cancellation fee. The OP had two VIP222ks and the additional receiver added $14 a month. There was no DVR so there was no DVR service fee. The bill per month would be $24 if the OP chose to keep the second box. The Loyalty agent mentioned deactivating the second leased receiver would bring it down to $10. The OP agreed, and being that the receiver was leased, and there were no active charges for the OP having the receiver, it was required to send the deactivated receiver back. As mentioned in a previous post of mine, at that time DISH Pause was not an option for people under contract.

Flash ahead to now: The OP wants to have a DISH Mover, and at the same time wants to replace the box on the account, along with getting two additionals: Two HD Duo DVRs (one replacing the VIP222k) and an HD Solo. In this situation, there would be an upgrade charge ($100 per HD DVR and $50 per HD w/o DVR), along with an immediate need to upgrade the programming on the account to be within the contract terms of the upgrade. If the OP wanted to have the international services also back on the account at the new home and installed at the same time, there would be the $100 charge for the capable dish, even though DISH Mover is free, plus the costs of the upgrades for the receivers.

After explaining the situation to the OP, they now understand why the charges are there, and so does anyone reading this post. We were able to come to a fair agreement, and the OP allowed me to share the story to clarify it for everyone else. Thanks Owais, for both the opportunity to shed light on the situation in the forum and giving me the chance to get this resolved for you. If you ever have any questions regarding things on an account or the purpose behind those things, the DISH Network team here on Satguys can certainly get them answered.
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I would like to thank Tony for helping to clear up the misunderstanding and setting things right on behalf on Dish Network. I would also like to add that, there was a bit of a miscommunication, as it was my dad that had originally called to "pause" the service, and me not realizing that he had actually wanted to cancel. This lead to what Tony explained about returning one of the receivers to reduce the monthly rate to $10. Over the phone, we were never explained any differences of the dishes for English or International packages. As far as we knew, we had a Dish that qualified for Dish Mover. In addition, it turns out we don't have the 722 receiver and only had two 222 receivers. So this is also why we want to replace and get additional receivers. This was a complicated move for my family from NJ to Orlando (which caused a lot of this miscommunication) but Tony went above and beyond and set things straight.

Thanks again Tony.
To be honest, I will admit our explanations on the phones and even here in the forums may not be as clear as we would like. It happens to the best of us regardless of the number of attempts at clarity. Its not as easy as it looks. Contrary to common misconceptions, we are human.... Maybe. :eek::D

And thanks for the compliment to my team! We appreciate the "Yay's" and work hard to change the "Nays".
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Still, the explanation/justification for the $100 charge for International movers doesn't make sense. What "re-use" of the reflector is one talking about? Those reflectors are left at the original residence, and to my personal numerous personal experiences, NEVER taken down by Dish for such phantom re-use. Hmm. Couldn't Dish have a tax write off for these lost pieces of equipment? Maybe? I suppose we won't go down that road as no one really has an answer for that. Still, it is probably cheaper for Dish just to leave the reflectors there, anyway, especially when they will charge $100 for International moves.

Sorry, but IMHO, and with no justification that makes sense to reality, Dish is hosing International subscribers for the $100 even though there may be a higher cost in the move for Dish for the replacement dual-band LNBF (heck, that expensive piece is also still left at the original residence under the mover program, is it not? I can tell you Dish left it there from the previous owner when my brother moved in). However, all the Internationals offered by Dish aren't necessarily offered by competitors, and so such a subscriber is faced with paying the $100 or doing without their Internationals: there just aren't any, perhaps only one, but mostly NONE, competitors to take their International business. Keep in mind International Channels and packages represent poor value when compared to standard packages. Meaning Internationals pay a higher rate for those channels and receiver fewer of them. They would seem to be paying there way like the rest of us--or in many cases, Internationals also subscribe to standard packages, so they are paying there way two times.

Now, for standard ubiquitous services, all the channels offered on AEP, for instance, there are competitors offering virtually the same channels and level of service and quality for those offended by a $100 charge to take their business: sat, cable, AT&T, Verizon, et al., even just getting a RoKu.

One solution could be for Dish to take down the original reflector and LNBF's to re-use at the new address of the mover. There would be a cost to send a tech for the 'UNinstall" but Dish would benefit financially by truly re-using this costly equipment. But me thinks Charlie wants the $100 cash much more, instead, because he can.

Finally, $100 is not chump change, especially when added to what is likely already a costly move, and any out of pocket expenses have a big impact. The amount of $100 for what is marketed as a Free Mover program (yes, cleverly leaving out the details by referring to "standard installation" when 99% of the customers couldn't tell you what that means) should not be dismissed When faced with that kind of "ding" people may attempt to save their family money and risk taking down the reflector and LNBF's themselves, an action one can't really fault. But if one is really concerned for one's personal safety, the company ought to do what it should and provide the free mover even for internationals with, perhaps, a few reasonable protections for Dish such as an International in good standing (no missed payments) length of subscription and level or type of International subscription (if it's only $6 per month subscription, Dish does have an argument for wanting the customer to make a fair investment for such a low level of International subscription). Weak justifications just affirm that Dish charges the $100 for Plus Internationals who move just because they can.
Guess I wasn't really clear about the "reuse". The dish is left at the address and the future tenants of that residence reuse it so long as they can get the programming they subscribe to from the existing satellite array. Basically, like the house is reused by new occupants, those same occupants could reuse the dish so long as it serves their purpose. I thought that was clear, but like I mentioned in my "short" post, clarity can always come up short.

While the general idea behind it has remained the same, DISH Mover has evolved to the needs of a business with insight from customers. This incarnation of DISH Mover is to provide the benefit of service to the customer, while allowing DISH Network to grow.

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