motorcycle shopping

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 17, 2004
Charleston wv
I have been shopping for a sport bike. As much as I like the GSX-R suzuki's, Yamaha R6 etc, I have found the bikes not too terribly expensive even new.
The problem is the huge insurance rates the demand.

I have excellent credit, Perfect driving record, no accidents. I am 36 years old.
For the japanese sportbikes Geico and Progressive wants 1200.00 to 2600.00 per year for insurance on a bike that is just use for pleasure riding. I bet I wouldn't be on the bike more than 1000 miles per year.

I will be financing the bike so full coverage is probably a must.
I can't justify that kind of insurance for the small amount of usage it will see.

On the upside, I got quotes on the Buell bikes .

The new Buell Firebolt xb12-R (1200cc harley engine) 600.00 per year. Bike costs 9500.00 new (retail).

New Buell 1125S (145hp) Probably very fast - weighs in at 380 lbs or so.
Insurance is 954.00 per year full coverage.

This makes the Buells look very attractive money wise.

Do any of you own these motorcycles or know very much about them?
Pros and cons of the bikes. Buell got very high ratings for comfort, handling and high performance.

I am not really a speed freak but I want a cool looking bike that aftermarket exhaust and great handling.
My bike's a cruiser, and the insurance is nowhere near that high. Having seen the sport bike crowd in action, doing half mile wheelies down the freeway, standing on the seats, canyon bombing, etc., that's why the insurance is so high. Guilt by association.

One of the guys I work with has a Ducati sport bike that he swears by.
One of my best buds had a Buell (can't remember the model) and he loved it. He'd probably still have it if he didn't trade up for a HD V-Rod.
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