I have a fixed set up to IA5 and planning to add a motor to the setup. I would like to know how to set up a motor, if my TS sat is blocked completely by the bldg in front. My LoS is blocked beyond 105W. My nearest TS will be 121 W or 123 W. (Location 94086).
EchoStar9/Telstar 13 121.0W 178.3 163 46.7 -1.3
Galaxy 10R 123.0W 181.6 166.3 46.7 1.3
EchoStar9/Telstar 13 121.0W 178.3 163 46.7 -1.3
Galaxy 10R 123.0W 181.6 166.3 46.7 1.3