Well, it's about 40 deg today, so I'm outside tweaking my small dish back to USALS compatible position. It tends to shift slightly over time( and lake wind gusts) and I must "fudge " the USALS position to bring the channels back in.
Now it's perfect again. I think the problem is that the clamp bracket for the SG2100 does not hold the 2 1/4" pole securely enough. The brackets have deformed somewhat ( spread apart from their original U shape) and there's not as much surface contact as I'd like to keep the bracket from shifting. Anyone seen any sturdier brackets ? I know the bracket on my STAB HH90 seems heavier guage, since it hasn't deformed and I've had it a year longer .
Maybe a PVC Sleeve would work , if I can find the right inside diameter ( or get one as close as possible and slice it to fit over the pole) . Anybody with any good solutions, or similar experience is welcome to feed my brain.
Now it's perfect again. I think the problem is that the clamp bracket for the SG2100 does not hold the 2 1/4" pole securely enough. The brackets have deformed somewhat ( spread apart from their original U shape) and there's not as much surface contact as I'd like to keep the bracket from shifting. Anyone seen any sturdier brackets ? I know the bracket on my STAB HH90 seems heavier guage, since it hasn't deformed and I've had it a year longer .
Maybe a PVC Sleeve would work , if I can find the right inside diameter ( or get one as close as possible and slice it to fit over the pole) . Anybody with any good solutions, or similar experience is welcome to feed my brain.