More trouble for AT&T 3G ipad customers


SatelliteGuys Master
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Oct 13, 2003
Jacksonville, FL, Earth
Report: FBI searches home of iPad 3G hacker - Technology & science - Security -

DOJ will be making an announcement today at 12:35PM.

As the article explains, Hackers were able to extract 114,000 e-mails off of AT&T servers from users with AT&T 3G ipad accounts.

Note: Updated information will be provided later this morning.
12:30 pm. - A press conference will be held today to announce federal criminal charges in connection with an alleged hack of AT&T's servers and theft of e-mail addresses and other personal information belonging to approximately 120,000 Apple iPad users who accessed the Internet via AT&T's 3G network.
I just use the wifi side. I was tempted to activate the att wireless data but the plans wouldn't work for me. I could run up 2 gig in half a day.:eek::D
Did I miss the thread about this some time ago?

Frank- What the heck are you using your ipad for? Hi definition sling box?
I keep a 250 MB data plan on mine and never get close to hitting the limit. The iPad gives priority to WiFi and most of the time I am in reach. I am very careful not to download apps, and don't use Pandora or other streaming apps unless I am in reach of a hotspot.

About the only thing I will use 3G for is the maps and some web browsing. Works very well for that. However, I am considering upgrading my phone, consolidating data plans with just Verizon Unlimited and turning off the 3G on the iPad. No sense paying for multiple data plans when I am always carrying my phone.
Did I miss the thread about this some time ago?

I don't know if there was a thread here about it. But it was on many other places around the 'net. I think this particular story is the criminal charges and defendents were ID'd and info about the upcoming prosecution. The other stories I read were talking about the theft of the ID's only.

Ok Guys!

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