I don't need to see the c-band signal that you seem to almost worship. I have OTA signals (which have no more or possibly even less compression than c-band) so I can compare E*'s network channels with those I get via antenna. As I have said before, I'm not happy with E*'s additional compression, but does it warrant putting up a 12-foot dish, buying a lot of new equipment, and having far less functionality than I do now? No, because the difference just isn't that substantial. That said, I want E* to provide better quality HD before they add any new channels.
If your looking at OTA HD your still not getting the raw network feed. It will not look as good as C band. Unless you have seen c band operate in the flesh you are basing your judgment call on OTA and Echostar's reups only. Don't post misinformation that OTA is the same or better then the raw network master feed because it isn't. Heck the CW's SD feeds on C band look better than the HD CW I get OTA.
If your happy with DSS and what you get that's fine. As I said before the OP wanted to see where the DSS public stood on Quality vs Quantity and the public has spoken. Quantity