Monoprice HDX501 HDMI Switch

Peter Parker

Formerly Geronimo
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Sep 9, 2003
I want to use one of these but cannot locate the remote. Monoprice has not answered requests for assistance. Any thoughts on remote codes?
Do you have access to a JP1 JTAG device? I converted an old Sat AV MicroHD receivers JTAG to a JP1 device to program remotes. Though that was like 8 years ago, and I can't remember what I all changed to do it. Anyway, IF you have one of these, you can burn the codes directly to a JP1 remote you might have laying around. There's a program you download to do it. You can read up about it on the JP1 Remote forum. It's not nearly as hard to do as it sounds.

I suspect it's this one: JP1 Remotes :: File Section


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