MOCA was yellow on Joeys when installed but is now red...

OK, thanks for checking for me. The only issue I have is what you and I have talked about before and we decided that it must be the way it is. In the Diagnostics: System Status – Page 1 menu (YELLOW – 9 – 3) item b has a little white x and the little Broadband icon is red in all four Hoppers. Item c MoCA has four green bars. In the Joey item b there is no white x and the little Broadband icon is green. Item c MoCA also has four green bars in the Joey. Everything works great so I guess that is normal for the way my Hoppers and Joey network is set up. Does anyone else might know why my Hoppers have a little white x and a red Broadband icon in the System Status menu?

3HaloODST, I now have all my Hoppers/Joey in MoCA mode. Attached is another spreadsheet with the MoCA device numbers from the Network Test menu (YELLOW – BLUE – 3 – View Counters) for Ethernet and MoCA mode if you can review them for me. The spreadsheet is in a different format so I hope it is easier to compare numbers. I don't see much of a change switching to MoCA from Ethernet mode. Also, I now have three Hoppers (MoCA) with a green little Broadband icon in the Diagnostics: System Status – Page 1 menu (YELLOW – 9 – 3) item b. The fourth Hopper (Ethernet/Bridged) the little Broadband icon still has a white x and also is still red. The Joey (MoCA) is still showing a green little Broadband icon.


I would definitely say that that is a software bug, maybe the next release will fix it. Wonder why my Hopper connected to Ethernet is green and yours is red? Oh well main thing is that your Internet works, just another weird Dish software fluke.

I'll check out the spreadsheet next chance I get.

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I would definitely say that that is a software bug, maybe the next release will fix it. Wonder why my Hopper connected to Ethernet is green and yours is red? Oh well main thing is that your Internet works, just another weird Dish software fluke.

I'll check out the spreadsheet next chance I get.

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OK, thanks. Going to test wireless mode today.
3HaloODST, this morning the one Hopper that is connected by Ethernet (MoCA) little Broadband icon that was red yesterday is now green. All the other Hoppers (MoCA) and Joey (MoCA) were also still green. So I unplugged the Cat5 cable from the Hopper with Ethernet and changed the mode to wireless. After everything rebooted, reset, etc. checked all Hoppers and Joey, all little Broadband icons are green. Logged all the MoCA device counter numbers to my spreadsheet and decided to go back to Ethernet (MoCA) mode. The Hopper with Cat5 cable connected the little Broadband icon again has a white x and red. All other Hoppers and Joey the little Broadband icon is green. Tried rebooting, resetting, etc, etc. and can't get it to change to green. Go figure, will check again tomorrow to see if it will again change to green. Maybe tomorrow I will test a different Hopper for the Ethernet connection to the router. Maybe that one Hopper is going bad. It is the same one with the sound delay issue. Attached is a spreadsheet with all network combination set ups MoCA device numbers for your review.


Well, after extensive testing this morning I now know what was causing the white x little red Broadband icon in the Diagnostics System Status – Page 1 menu (YELLOW – 9 – 3 – item b). There is a problem with the Ethernet Top Network connection in all my Hoppers or my router does not like the top Network connection for some reason. The Ethernet Bottom Network connection has no issues. I now have a little green Broadband icon for all four Hoppers and the Joey. Before in Ethernet mode with Cat5 cables connected to the top port I was getting red Broadband icons in all four Hoppers, the Joey icon was green. In wireless mode there is also no issue, all the little Broadband icons were green. I am leaving my system in Ethernet Network mode, all four Hoppers and Joey are connected by Ethernet (Cat5 cables) to the bottom port, no MoCA and Bridging is turned off. The only issue that the Ethernet top connection may have been causing besides the little red Broadband icon is that the TV with a Hopper that has a linked Joey would occasionally get an on screen lower right corner red MoCA icon. Only occurs every couple of weeks and it goes away with a red button reset.
Been going round & round with support about this & turns out when I switched from Ethernet to HIC most of the issues went away. Still get the red moca icon in lower corner of screens on both 2nd hopper & joey (not on HWS connected to HIC) occasionally, but when I check settings all is green (replacement hopper). Now convinced it is software - great to know my system isn't totally haywire!
Been going round & round with support about this & turns out when I switched from Ethernet to HIC most of the issues went away. Still get the red moca icon in lower corner of screens on both 2nd hopper & joey (not on HWS connected to HIC) occasionally, but when I check settings all is green (replacement hopper). Now convinced it is software - great to know my system isn't totally haywire!

When your Hopper was in Ethernet mode, which port was your Cat5 cable plugged in to?
Originally in top, which could be cause of flakiness with first HWS. Think I also tried the other before going back to the HIC, but still saw red Moca icon on screen earlier today so HIC hasn't fixed it. Replacement HWS will be here tomorrow, maybe that's the solution.
Originally in top, which could be cause of flakiness with first HWS. Think I also tried the other before going back to the HIC, but still saw red Moca icon on screen earlier today so HIC hasn't fixed it. Replacement HWS will be here tomorrow, maybe that's the solution.

Maybe you can run some test with Top, Bottom ports, Wireless, and HIC to see if you can narrow it down to which one is it when the red MoCA icon comes on screen.
Its almost at the bottom of the counters page. Its above MoCA Devices and MoCA Overall Quality.

lucky86, this morning I now see in the counters page the MoCA Tx running Discard Rate 0 e-7 and MoCA overall Quality is Good. Both of these counters were not there yesterday. They must be from the new SW 311 update for Hopper with Sling that came out this morning. Looks like several new counters are there now. How did you know about these counters? Were they already in the Hopper version one counter list?
3HaloODST, this morning the one Hopper that is connected by Ethernet (MoCA) little Broadband icon that was red yesterday is now green. All the other Hoppers (MoCA) and Joey (MoCA) were also still green. So I unplugged the Cat5 cable from the Hopper with Ethernet and changed the mode to wireless. After everything rebooted, reset, etc. checked all Hoppers and Joey, all little Broadband icons are green. Logged all the MoCA device counter numbers to my spreadsheet and decided to go back to Ethernet (MoCA) mode. The Hopper with Cat5 cable connected the little Broadband icon again has a white x and red. All other Hoppers and Joey the little Broadband icon is green. Tried rebooting, resetting, etc, etc. and can't get it to change to green. Go figure, will check again tomorrow to see if it will again change to green. Maybe tomorrow I will test a different Hopper for the Ethernet connection to the router. Maybe that one Hopper is going bad. It is the same one with the sound delay issue. Attached is a spreadsheet with all network combination set ups MoCA device numbers for your review.

Just checked out your numbers. They look great! Mine are similar. In yellow blue 4 everything is green on all four Hoppers. Are yours the same?
Just checked out your numbers. They look great! Mine are similar. In yellow blue 4 everything is green on all four Hoppers. Are yours the same?

Yes, all four Hoppers and Joey are green in that menu. The only thing I have red right now is the little broadband icon in one of my Hoppers (Yellow - 9 - 3). That is because I have the Cat5 cable plugged into the top port. The Hopper is in Ethernet Top Bridiging mode, remaining Hoppers and Joey are in MoCA mode. Dish wants me to keep it in this setup while they take some readings for a couple of days thru the internet. Have you tried out the Cat5 top port yet to see if you have a little red broadband icon too?
Yes, all four Hoppers and Joey are green in that menu. The only thing I have red right now is the little broadband icon in one of my Hoppers (Yellow - 9 - 3). That is because I have the Cat5 cable plugged into the top port. The Hopper is in Ethernet Top Bridiging mode, remaining Hoppers and Joey are in MoCA mode. Dish wants me to keep it in this setup while they take some readings for a couple of days thru the internet. Have you tried out the Cat5 top port yet to see if you have a little red broadband icon too?

Dang, forgot to do that. I'll do it in a couple of hours.

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Wi-Fi Issue with Hopper

HOPPER or 722K?

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