MOCA was yellow on Joeys when installed but is now red...


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
May 13, 2013
Myrtle Beach, SC
Everything seems to be working as it should but the red MOCA makes me wonder if I should start checking behind the installer. He bypassed the client portion of the solo node by using some sort of splitter / tap on the line going from the duo node to the Hopper. He then fed my two Joeys from one leg of the splitter / tap. The un-used client port on the duo node has a 75 ohm terminator on it and the Joeys have RG-6 home runs. Because it is working should I worry about it or should I leave good enough alone?
MOCA is screwed on the Joey's period. Mine go Green then RED then freeze then green then red and keep working.

It's a software problem. And Dish keeps dispatching techs to wave magic wands, get it to go green, leave and then they go red in 50 minutes.

Will someone in DIRT PLEASE then to fix the MOCA software bug!

Do either of you guys have Hopper Internet Connectors?

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I have two Hoppers and two Joeys, all using the HIC for internet. My MoCA status is always green.
No my hoppers are always connected via the coax. I thought about connecting them via a LAN but as the install is still covered under the first 60 days I don't know weather I should call in a trouble or just leave it alone.
No my hoppers are always connected via the coax. I thought about connecting them via a LAN but as the install is still covered under the first 60 days I don't know weather I should call in a trouble or just leave it alone.

Everything you describe sounds fine. If you start having any issues let us know and we will get someone out there.
Well, the install you describe is pretty standard. It could be an issue with the length of the cable runs or something else completely. If it's working fine I wouldn't worry. Are the Joeys having any issues besides the moca icon being red?
I would like a definitive answer to that question as well. I would also like a technical explanation of the requirements for a Green, yellow, and Red MoCA light. Anyone know or sure?
Press YELLOW - BLUE - 3. Now select View Counters. Press PAGE DN until you're at the very bottom of the counters. Press PAGE UP once or twice until you see the "MoCA Devices" field. How many are there? You will also see "MoCA1 device id" etc. for each MoCA-connected receiver. Receivers will be labeled whatever you labeled them during installation. Other devices such as the Hopper Internet Connector will simply display their MAC address.

How many MoCA devices do you have? How many of them are labeled? Are there any that just show the MAC address? Do you have a Hopper Internet Connector?

The most important fields are "MoCAx TxUc PHY Rate," "MoCAx RxUc PHY Rate" and "MoCAx RxUc RxPower" for each device.

Can you post the labels/numbers that you are seeing on that screen?
I have a 2H/2J setup with a HIC tapped off of one of the Hoppers. I always have green MOCA connections. After nightly resets my Hopper shows no Joeys linked, but the Joeys work fine and show as linked after turning them on.

For info my TX/RX rates are 293MB/s for both joeys and the non tapped Hopper and 253Mb/s for the tapped Hopper.
Press YELLOW - BLUE - 3. Now select View Counters. Press PAGE DN until you're at the very bottom of the counters. Press PAGE UP once or twice until you see the "MoCA Devices" field. How many are there? You will also see "MoCA1 device id" etc. for each MoCA-connected receiver. Receivers will be labeled whatever you labeled them during installation. Other devices such as the Hopper Internet Connector will simply display their MAC address.

How many MoCA devices do you have? How many of them are labeled? Are there any that just show the MAC address? Do you have a Hopper Internet Connector?

The most important fields are "MoCAx TxUc PHY Rate," "MoCAx RxUc PHY Rate" and "MoCAx RxUc RxPower" for each device.

Can you post the labels/numbers that you are seeing on that screen?

3HaloODST, can you check my MoCA devices numbers in the attached spreadsheet? If you want a different format please let me know. Thanks


I have a 2H/2J setup with a HIC tapped off of one of the Hoppers. I always have green MOCA connections. After nightly resets my Hopper shows no Joeys linked, but the Joeys work fine and show as linked after turning them on.

For info my TX/RX rates are 293MB/s for both joeys and the non tapped Hopper and 253Mb/s for the tapped Hopper.

Sounds like a software bug.

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3HaloODST, can you check my MoCA devices numbers in the attached spreadsheet? If you want a different format please let me know. Thanks

Your numbers are very similar to mine. The exception being that I have a HIC connected as well (used in reverse) and my Joey is on WiFi. I'd say they're pretty normal numbers so it seems for two Duo Nodes hooked together. Your setup should have green MoCA bars on all receivers, unless there's some software glitch. One of my Hoppers had red bars once but the numbers were way lower than usual. A reboot fixed it. Had to have been a software glitch.

Another anomaly is that since adding the HIC the two Hoppers that aren't on the same node as the HIC show yellow bars. Based on the counters the HIC is a lot weaker device than the Hoppers/Joeys. While all of the receivers have bit rates in the 280s-290s the HIC is only 250 or so on the Hopper that shares a tap with the HIC, as well as the other Hopper on the same Duo Node. The HIC is only in the 170s on the Hoppers that are on the other Duo Node, which probably explains the yellow bars. I only use the HIC to connect a NAS across the house to the router, using the bridged Hopper on the same Duo Node, so I suppose the bit rates on the other two Hoppers don't really matter. Even at that though, 170 Mbps is still more than the HIC/Hoppers' 100Mbps Ethernet ports are capable of anyway.

Another thing I noticed is that having two Duo Nodes tied together slightly lowered the bit rates in comparison to a Duo Node and a Single Node tied together. I might swap CLIENT ports on the jumper cable just to see if that has any effect. I'm not really worried about it though since everything works great and the bit rates are still good.

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Your numbers are very similar to mine. The exception being that I have a HIC connected as well (used in reverse) and my Joey is on WiFi. I'd say they're pretty normal numbers so it seems for two Duo Nodes hooked together. Your setup should have green MoCA bars on all receivers, unless there's some software glitch. One of my Hoppers had red bars once but the numbers were way lower than usual. A reboot fixed it. Had to have been a software glitch.

Another anomaly is that since adding the HIC the two Hoppers that aren't on the same node as the HIC show yellow bars. Based on the counters the HIC is a lot weaker device than the Hoppers/Joeys. While all of the receivers have bit rates in the 280s-290s the HIC is only 250 or so on the Hopper that shares a tap with the HIC, as well as the other Hopper on the same Duo Node. The HIC is only in the 170s on the Hoppers that are on the other Duo Node, which probably explains the yellow bars. I only use the HIC to connect a NAS across the house to the router, using the bridged Hopper on the same Duo Node, so I suppose the bit rates on the other two Hoppers don't really matter. Even at that though, 170 Mbps is still more than the HIC/Hoppers' 100Mbps Ethernet ports are capable of anyway.

Another thing I noticed is that having two Duo Nodes tied together slightly lowered the bit rates in comparison to a Duo Node and a Single Node tied together. I might swap CLIENT ports on the jumper cable just to see if that has any effect. I'm not really worried about it though since everything works great and the bit rates are still good.

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OK, thanks for checking for me. The only issue I have is what you and I have talked about before and we decided that it must be the way it is. In the Diagnostics: System Status – Page 1 menu (YELLOW – 9 – 3) item b has a little white x and the little Broadband icon is red in all four Hoppers. Item c MoCA has four green bars. In the Joey item b there is no white x and the little Broadband icon is green. Item c MoCA also has four green bars in the Joey. Everything works great so I guess that is normal for the way my Hoppers and Joey network is set up. Does anyone else might know why my Hoppers have a little white x and a red Broadband icon in the System Status menu?

Wi-Fi Issue with Hopper

HOPPER or 722K?

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