MLB Extra Innings Coming to DISH!

bcshields said:
yeah... make the Yankees fans listen to our point of view for a change...

<Cartman> Yes.. yeeeessss... I hate you guys, oh yes I do. </Cartman>

Actually, if's blackout rules are enforced here, a Red Sox Yankees game would have BOTH the Red Sox and Yankee feeds blacked out (Because my Mets games were all blacked out on whether I wanted the home or visitor broadcast)
Sean Mota said:
In a nutshell, great that MLB Extra Inning is on E* but don't expect to see Yankees games unless E* makes a serious decision to go and get YES (for NY AREA). For now, Cablevision and DirecTv rules as they are the only one that carry the NY Yankees. So in my case, it does not make sense to order MLB Extra Inning with E*. I would rather order it with Cablevision since I can have all MLB in one box.

Yep. If E* agreed with YES than I probably would get the package but without my fave team, forget it. I suppose yankee fans throughout the country will be thrilled to see them and maybe too many yankee fans already left E* a while ago.
Sean your response confuses me. You quote me but you respond to points I never made. The bottom line is that I don't know if the Nets are part of the NBA package or not. Then again it amy not matter.

Sorry, it was not meant to be that way. I guess my point is that MLB EI will not be any different than NBA LP for the NY Region and their regional sports. We'll get blacked out and the rest of the country gets to enjoy the sports that we locally support but cannot watch unless you go with a different provider (if you are an E* sub).

At least I have an outlet - Cablevision - Get their digital cable and get MLB EI + any local regional sport team (Yankees or Mets) + INHD (3 HD baseball games per week) + Mets Home Games in HD.
Anyone have an answer to whether any of these games will be broadcast in HD? If so, how many? That'll be a factor in whether I buy it or not. Go Sox.
Any Idea when the E* CSR's will have a clue about this new offering. I called the executive offices yesterday to try to get rates and they said they did not have any info or even any idea/proof that MLB was going to be offered by Dish
CSRs will never have any info until Dish releases a News Release on the new offering (which is why it usually takes awhile to release news like this, they have to get materials together for the CSRs.)
scott said:
Is the MLB on DISH confirmed or just a rumor at this point???

at this stage it is rumor. But having said that it is a rumor that you hear from several reliable sources. Since several of these sources say a Monday announcement is likely I am nott oo worried that no announcement has been made.
Nothing official yet, but the first person to let me know was someone from Dish, after I got this notification about 20 minutes later other reports started coming in from other sources both from Dish and outside dish.

Within a couple of minutes from these reports there were reports from other people that the MLB channels were being uplinked.

And from there it all fell into place.
This is going to make my wife a very happy person! I have called, e-mailed Dish so many times over the past few months, threatening to go to Direct if MLBEI wasn't going to come to Dish and I got no real response. I decided to stay with Dish because I like Dish and have had no real problems in 7 years. I didn't want to go to Direct because Pegasus has the exclusibes to rural areas and has a bad rep in the industry, cost more to! I love the idea that we will get some added channels that mean something for a change. I am just crossing my fingers that this doesn't turn out to be a tease. I trust too many people in this forum for correct info and have yet loss that trust. Mike
Curtis0620 said:
Weren't they in the guide once before and nothing came of it? 1 or 2 years ago?

I didn't remember adding MLB EI to the channel chart before, so I scanned the history ( and found no mention of them ever being listed on the guide as far back as 8/1/2000

This isn't to say it didn't happen. I just never heard about it if it did indeed happen.

See ya

Dish MLB Extra Innings Schedule

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