Your location:
CANADA - NL - Corner Brook North Latitude: 48.967
West Longitude: 57.95 Please verify that the center of the map is near your actual location,
if it is within the map, you will get accurate readings.
True Azimuth: 229.1
Magn. Azimuth: 250.33 Magnetic azimuth should be used when using an uncorrected compass.
Dish Elevation: 21.6
when looking for a signal whitch 1 do i use the True Azimuth: 229.1 or the Magn. Azimuth: 250.33 ,Magnetic azimuth should be used when using an uncorrected compass. can someone explan a little beacuse i get mixed up .CANADA - NL - Corner Brook North Latitude: 48.967
West Longitude: 57.95 Please verify that the center of the map is near your actual location,
if it is within the map, you will get accurate readings.
Map data ©2009 Tele Atlas - Terms of Use
Magn. Azimuth: 250.33 Magnetic azimuth should be used when using an uncorrected compass.